OK so we all love destiny and anyone who brought the game from day one probably only looks forward at this point to playing destiny on two days of the week. Either Tuesday (now known as reset day) or Friday (market day to see Xur). The problem is the game itself is becoming very repetitive.
If like me you have a lvl 31 character of each class that means you have to do the weekly and nightfall 6 TIMES A WEEK!, now this isn't the problem. The problem is that both missions for some ridiculous reason (where they were originally different) are now the same. Also for some ridiculous reason the weekly is now harder than the nightfall??????
Suggestions for improvement
1. Seperate missions for weekly and nightfall.
2. Perhaps randomize the weekly as its literally only for strange coins after all, half the time Xur doesn't sell anything we need
3. Matchmaking for weekly and nightfall events, purely because if for some reason you don't get on straight after work on a tuesday most your mates will have already done it. Forums are useful but can be tedious.
4. Maybe make the crucible more rewarding and relevant so people actually need to get involved with it, like making certain weapons and armour (exotics not just legendarys) only available.
5. Iron Banner - better gear needs to be available here too, up to date stuff, or maybe even a way to upgrade legendary gear to go above 300 or something I dno. Atm there is no point in higher level players getting involved with the IB unless out of boredom, it needs to encourage players of all levels to participate.
6. Please make something available so that I can fire a rocket launcher in the queens brothers face, it would also be nice to get some more info on their background. And explain how she has her own fallen guards (probably brainwashed or shes a warlock or sumthin).
7. Guardians never stay dead because their ghosts can revive them, I've collected all ghosts so like that one infront of the hive temple should be alive again lol. An all the wusses that died with Eris in the dbl. It would be cool if at the tower this was recognised and the more ghosts u collected the more the tower developed/becomes populated. I.e. new vendors materials, weapons become available.
8. You released one ghost shell only with the buffed game version, its a shader/shell why not do more. Why not make it so the ghosts sensors can be upgraded to help detect nearby materials within certain radiuses etc. Or detect daily events from further away on a planet etc.
9. I'm not far off the necrochasm, i have the legendary but the gun itself looks exactly like the murmur, this is a bit lazy that nobody could be bothered to make it look even slightly different lol.
10. If you use a titan the shield and dash abilities make it really hard to see when your running around completing the first part of the DBL raid due to the low light restriction when running through the abyss. Can something be done about this???
11. Please allow the mythoclast to be upgradable - because its awesome and annoyingly capped
12. Please can we have some more context on Xur, what race he is, who are the nine? His background etc
Anyway guys I'm not moaning these are just some suggestions for improvements, I am a hard core gamer and web developer by profession so I kinda feel obligated to get involved in something i'm passionate about. Sorry for the long post but I hope you guys appreciate it.