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Destiny について話し合おう
Oberynにより編集済み: 1/2/2015 8:41:14 AM


So this happened earlier but I decide to bitch about it now. We was on the black garden strike. Here I am, bout' to end this man's whole career. Had some guy with me. I carried that. He died against Goblins. I revived that. As I was about to spit supa hot fire on this man's career. "Fùckface has joined" I didn't care. This bitch jumps in. Instant kills him self by crashing into a rock. I revived that. I try again for the third time. I said. "check me out, bout to end this man's whole career. Boom. Bop. Bam. Bada boom. Pow." They went wild. Ended the mind's career. Spat that supa hot fire, boi. Was wearing glasses, jacket and shirt. They Called me glasses jackin' shirtman. We get to the reward screen. I done killed most of the enemies. SIKE. Fùckface got a legendary engram. I got a blue.. But I'm not a rapper.



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