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12/22/2014 7:14:58 AM

How can a company pat itself on the back for releasing something like Destiny?

Seeing that end of the year nonsense is making my blood boil. I don't get how you Bungievision people keep patting yourself on the back for releasing the biggest hoax of the year. Out since September, ever since you released the first patch I have probably encountered every single animal/Insect on this planet in the form of one of your 'error, disconnected' bugs. All while my network and router are set exactly as you advice... It's been four freaking months since this game's been out, and still I am experiencing day one bugs, even now as I am typing I am receiving the red band 'error contacting servers' messages so I know I'll get kicked off of your crappy network in a second. The ONLY reason people are still playing this glorified halo is because you suckered us into believing you were bringing out a game worthy of the hype, some people jumped the gun and instantly bought the season pass, others like myself got it with the bundle they bought. In any case, after you are done with the DLC's you announced and people have fallen for Destiny as a game is done. Nobody in their right mind would or should spend extra money on a company that although once great has now fallen from grace and has become the next generic money grubbing sack of excrement company to flood the ailing gaming industry. Bungie, I once respected you, this respect has turned into resentment after you falsely advertised the product you so proudly call Destiny. You failed your entire existing fanbase by bringing out this miserable excuse for a triple A game, you fail to this day to resolve issues that stem from your incompetence and to this day I am still waiting on interesting and original content, not bloody rehashes of maps we've been playing since day one.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I read the update and my anger over everything shift to acceptance. Just accept it. This game isn't for you or me. This game is for people who are trully happy with minimal content, no story, and bare wire grinding. They are satisfied with the gameplay and that's all that matters. I understand the not wanting to give up. That's why I'm still here now. I had hopes things would improve but the two weeks the DLC has been out has just been same as the release. We are now just repeating the same actions, so to expect anything different would be insanity. It's over. If you aren't happy now then you never will be. Hopefully Xmas will provide you with other games.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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