Sure do... Just don't need cheesy multiplayer modes to get enjoyment out of a game... Griffball, infected, uplink, etc... All to appeal to the lowest skilled on the food chain... So I say again... Go play COD...
The last thing this game needs is to try and expand PvP... This game is a limited open world shooter that included select PvP game types in order to bring in the multiplayer crowd... Its bread and butter should be focusing in on fixing the broken story and expansion of the playable content in PvE... That is how this game will survive... Infected, griffball, CTF, etc... Those are filler game modes designed to add weight to PvP centered games such as COD and Halo... While both had single player modes that were worth a run once or twuce, the focal point of those series was the PvP... That is not what Destiny is at its core... A game type that will get limited play and completely negates the gear/weapons each player has is not only asinine, but useless...
No? They're just different from the normal "go capture this and shoot everything" game modes. They're fun. They include Gmod style game modes and fan made game modes into the game. There's no "skill" with it. It's different and fun. Take Griffball. They made a sport. Look at Halo and everything its about, and they made a ball sport to play in it. It's not easy for those with no "skill". It's innovation and catering to the ones that have ideas and actually want something different from the norm. Something Destiny can learn from. You really should learn too. Learn to think before you blindly speak.
So let me get this straight... To enhance innovation and increase fun, they should bring back a game mode designed years ago that can be played in other games? Gotcha... Nothing like rehashing old material and labeling it as innovation...
Yes. It would be. With the things you could do in Destiny, they could take those old game modes and put countless spins and twists on them and turn them into something incredible. I've seen countless amazing game modes suggested in the forums that just get ignored because of people like you. Like a game mode I just saw suggested about have a mini Tower or "hub" on the moon for guardians to visit. Since its on the moon it'd be inevitable for the Hive to reach it and attack, so have a game mode or event that's all about defending this new.. "Social area". They could make his game so much better if they'd try and embrace new ideas. It was even suggested in the early development of Destiny that there would be player gambling and sparrow races. I think they had race modes in Halo right? And a few other games. Its just "hashing old material" but you and every other Destiny player would shit their pants in excitement if they added sparrow races. You need to open your eyes and see that this game is falling apart in bungies hands and one of the main reasons, is that we're running out of fun things to do. Grinding gets old. Broken loot systems get old. Broken server connections get old. Invisible walls in a supposedly OPEN WORLD "mmo" are getting old. If "hashing" old material is what it takes to make this game more enjoyable for the fanbase, then that's what they need to do. Fanboys like you are killing this game
What you are referencing and what the OP wants are two completely different things... Infected mode in PvP adds nothing to the game except a gimmick multiplayer game mode which ultimately adds nothing of value to the game... Adding new event types, truly opening up the worlds to explore, adding more gear/weapons, sparrow racing, filing the holes in the story... All these things add value and would improve the product... Infected mode in PvP does not... It would only further water down what many already feel is a product severely lacking quality gameplay...