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Destiny について話し合おう
Kevinにより編集済み: 12/8/2014 12:16:47 AM

possible 6th chest?

So as my friend and I were doing the vog on normal after the gorgon maze and into the disappearing platforms we noticed a vex time gate and we wondered why we would have to have TWO relics to defend the conflux (even though we know b/c of past and future) but what if there's more to it? So after killing the gate keeper we went into one of the gates to get the relic, mind you we still had a person in the back before entering the vault of glass to keep the door open. As I got the relic two people defended confluxes and the other two stayed in the dissipesring platforms. So as I went back i glided my way with the relic (almost the same as a blade dancer) to get my way across and said "hey, what if the relic has to do with the time gate!" As I got to the gate i centered myself and started "cleansing" the portal. One of my friends spectating said that there were more intense spirals outside of the radius of the cleansing and looked almost as if I was sucking souls into the shield itself. I got out of the time gate and did it again to see if there was a difference and he said "no it looks the way it normally does now, but when you're on the time gate the radius of the cleansing looks more intense and souls getting sucked in" Maybe the relic and the time gate before Atheon means something but we haven't found anything else to progress further in finding the 6th chest.



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