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オリジナルの投稿元:The Shroud of Light
12/7/2014 6:38:28 AM

Unicorns. What are they and why do they exist?

What are they? Why are they here? What do they do for us as destiny players? Well for that we must look back to the Middle Ages. There were two little unicorns named Angus Van Hanerdoom and Milly Van Hoover. They were the first Unicorns to ever exist as far as we know. But sadly they didn't live to long. He sadly died by spontaneously forgetting how to breathe. He died a slow and painful death.... She died from simply accidentally running off a cliff. But luckily they had one little baby unicorn. His name was Trey Van Hanerdoom. He had an unusual hate for humans so he was quite a violent unicorn. There was traces of human blood on his horn from what we can tell. But now that we know how they got here we need to know why they're here. But sadly that's all the time we have. Come back later for the continuation of this compelling tale of Unicorns.



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