Reduce damage of shoulder charge and disable specials from effecting people through walls and it'd be great!
Although it's not too big of a deal. I have gotten pretty good at dodging shoulder charge...
Shoulder charge needs to be changed to require more sprinting first. People should not be able to sprint one step and use it. The idea, as far as I imagine, is meant to be more of a juggernaut effect where when it builds momentum it smashes though. That said, it should require to sprint for 1-2 seconds before being able to charge. Having it a one shot kill is fine so long as it requires some momentum first. It should be a super melee too, so it should require a charge before you can use it again. Haven't looked at that on or used it really to know much about it, but seeing people shoulder charge instantly over and over doesn't seem very balanced. As for the supers, if someone is behind a box they should not take full damage, but I can see how they would take some damage from the shock around. If they are behind an actual wall though, they should not be getting hit at all from it.
Yeah the wall thing is my big issue. Playing the earth map that I forget the name (Not twilight gap or rusted lands) I was in a firefight outside of B. Titan used FoH on the flag and I was killed by it outside behind the wall. Kinda lame. I agree about shoulder charge though. I have seen titans clear a room doing nothing but shoulder charge because of how fast they can use it.
The only change I think is needed for Shoulder Charge is if you use your jump jets, you can't do it. I've been SC'd after seeing them change their direction with jump jets and still get it off. If its really forward momentum for the attack, you wouldn't be able to change directions by leaving the ground. You would be moving in the direction you jumped ONLY. At the very least make it a CD like Blink Strike.
Blink strike is able to get a 5 second CD, but that is its specialty. But shoulder charge should have a CD just like any other melee, otherwise it should be a standard fist melee when it is on CD jsut like everything else. Never knew about the jump thing though, that is some BS, should not happen.