Changes that I believe would really balance things out a bit (primarily crucible)
There are some things that I would honestly change to balance it out a bit. Titan bubble is fine, can be taken out if people work together to kill the titan. Striker might need changed a bit as they seem to slide along walls when lunging and the blast effects more than what is shown. Have them either reduce the blast to the edge of the marker, or increase the marker to show the true range of the blast. As for the wall part, they should have the slam activate where they hit the wall, rather than sliding across it til they hit the ground.
Warlocks nova bomb shouldn't go through walls. If you are hiding behind something to take cover from a nova bomb, you should be safe. Maybe still get hurt, but not instikilled. Sunsingers honestly have too much damage reduction with the self revive, they are immune til after they can already be attacking, plus they get a one hit melee instantly. Needs a slight balancing on that, be it the melee not be active immediately, or the damage reduction not be so high, perhaps no shield the moment they spawn but rather have it start charging when they spawn until they are hit.
Gunslinger accuracy should not be so spot on, it is way too easy to hit your mark on them without really needing to aim too much. Blade dancer should need to be aimed to an extent. You should have to push the direction you wish to attack. Simply being able to spam the melee and go after anything close it stupid. They do however need to be able to one shot other characters that are using supers, rather than having it take two hits as it currently does and causing the enemy to stay alive.
All characters should be able to be killed while using super. What I mean by this, is no invulnerable time where their health will not move even if you unload 50 shots of a heavy on them. Sure, they will die after they get their super off, but they should be able to be killed before it is completed. Would make supers a lot less noobish and turn them in to something that you have to use with planning. If you run out in a crowd and jsut hit your super, you should not be safe until it goes off, you should be able to be stopped with enough fire power. Granted, they should have a damage reduction while hitting it, but still killable before completed.
All classes should have balanced grenades. There are three slots, so I would say one as a sticky nade, all of which attach and detonate the same way as in how close it has to be to stick to them and how much damage it will do when stuck/not stuck. One nade should be a DoT/AoE type nade where it does damage for a set amount/time for those hit by the blast or standing in the area. DoT should not be as high as those with an AoE, as the AoE would have to stand in it to be damaged, but they should be comparable. The third would be a specialty, such as a seeker or flashbang or something of the sort. No one nade should do so much damage that it overpowers another though. Sticky nades should be a one hit on any that get stuck, AoE should kill anything that stands in it for 3 seconds but no faster as people should have time to be able to react, DoT should take 3/4 of a persons max health, and specialty nades should take no more than 50% of max health but have a useful side effect as slowing the enemy or blinding them or something.
Melee should all have the same range when it is not the super melee, warlocks would be the main one to be changed with that as their reach is longer than a blink strike even reaches. All classes should have an effect that gives overshields or instant full health, but only upon a kill. Or only upon hit. They should not have some that activate on a hit and others upon a kill.
Shotguns with fast rate of fire, especially those with full auto, should have a much smaller range. Those with slow rate of fire should have a greater ranger for full damage. Snipers with really high stability should be 3 body shots to kill and those with low stability should be 2 body shots. All snipers however, should still be one shot kill for headshots, as they are sniper rifles and are meant for such. Fusion rifles with a high rate of charge should have low stability, and vice versa. All fusion rifles should have each bolt do 25% max hp of damage, which would require 4 bolts out of the 5 to hit for a one shot kill.
Auto rifles with low fire rate should have greater stability, range, and damage than those with a high fire rate, and no auto rifle should do anything more than 50% max damage at long range. Hand Cannons should be 2 shot headshot or 4 shot body at close to mid range, and have 75% of max damage past mid range. Scout rifles should hold damage at long range and drop to 80% max damage are very long range. They should be 2 shot headshot and 3 shot body shot for slow fire rates, and 3 head shot 5 body shot for higher fire rates. Pulse rifles should have fast fire rate with low stability, or vice versa, and should be capable of up to mid range with full damage, and 80% max damage beyond mid range. It should take 4 body shots with all 3 bullets of the burst hitting, or 2 head shots, or 3 mixing double bullet body and single bullet head on the burst.
Rockets, not much can change as they are explosives, however they should be a one shot to small vehicles such as pikes and sparrows upon direct hit, and 2 shot on large vehicles/interceptors. Perhaps greater damage on lower velocity rounds. Machine guns should take 3 headshots or 5 body shots, with low stability on fast rate of fire, and vice versa. Damage should hold at long range and beyond, but accuracy should drop beyond mid range.
Naturally, exotics would be acceptable to vary outside of the bounds, but not to such an extent that they are the only choice. Such as a fast rate fire shotgun that holds full damage a little further than the other fast rate shotguns of non exotic nature. Or a fusion rifle that takes 3 bolts to kill rather than 4. Nothing that is overly strong, but has benefit of use. There are many other changes I can think of, much of which are more outside the crucible scope such as equipment leveling and gathering, as well as other things. If this post is liked and people wish to hear my other thoughts, I will be happy to share them. Let me know what you all think of my ideas!