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xJizzyxにより編集済み: 11/26/2014 11:59:34 PM

*** | PS4 CLAN FINDER | ***

Let's make advertising/finding clans a little more easier. Simply post your Psn and what type of clan you're looking for. Otherwise please quote the following if you're advertising your clan here --------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --------------------------------------------------- [i][u]CLAN NAME:[/u] (Name of clan) [u]CLAN MEMBERS:[/u] (Total Estimate) [u]REQUIREMENTS:[/u] (Specific Reqs) [u]ADDITIONAL INFO:[/u] (Optional)[/i]



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  • Clan Osiris Brand new clan, looking to build a gaming community across PS network. Starting on D2, add me and let's play.



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  • comfyにより編集済み: 1/20/2017 2:09:52 PM
    Hey I am a 400 Hunter looking to join a clan that does all activities I am a ten year old kid that tries not to shit talk but im decent at sniping and is a very team player in a raid I look forward to meeting new people and doing new things, please don't judge me by age, thnx I'm on ps4



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  • 341 Hunter looking for a good sized guild that raids often



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  • Moin aus der Nähe von Köln ! Nach knapp 2 Wochen Spielzeit (damit ist die Zeit im Game gemeint) begebe ich mich dann auch mal auf die Suche nach einem Clan. Zunächst mal zu meiner Person: - 19 Jahre alt - 2 Meter groß - angehender Industriekaufmann - humorvoll, freundlich, hilfsbereit, engagiert, kritikfähig, kommunikativ Und jetzt zum wichtigen Teil: Besitze einen Titan mit 299 Licht, einen Warlock und einen Jäger mit jeweils ca. 285 Licht und bin auf der Suche nach einem erfahrenen Clan (idealerweise mit 2 oder 5 Mitgliedern), dem ich mich anschließen kann und mit dem ich sowohl den mehr oder weniger neuen Königsfallraid, als auch die Prüfungen von Osiris regelmäßig machen kann. Hier kommt der Knackpunkt: Ich habe beides noch nicht gemacht. Bin allerdings oft online (immer abends) und lerne schnell. Vom Skill her sollte es nach kurzer Einfindunhsphase keine Probleme geben. Schreibe euch auch gerne bei Interesse meine Statistiken auf. Könnt mich gerne adden. PSN: Patrick2303 Können auch gerne erstmal in der Party schnacken. Besitze ein gutes Headset und eine stabile Internetleitung



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  • BikiniBottomSquad is a very new clan that is gunna to become very competitive in all crucible events such as making it to the light house or that rank 5 iron banner and is now recruiting.... I will be selecting admins to take on a big Role in clan and to hep us get bigger. Don't be afraid of squidward he's not that mean. Here's the group to join.



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  • We at SOA are looking for a few good players, no matter the lvl. We value Teamwork and communication if you can't run with those principles this is not the clan for you. We're laid back players that like to achieve greatness in all aspects of the game, from bounties to raids we do it all no task to big or small we help each other. We have players from the UK and players from the US. If you are interested please send me a message on PSN and we will get you in a Nightfall or Raid to see if you mesh with our style. PSN: ArchAngle_29 ****MIC Required**** Do not send a request to join on Destiny app tell you have run with us please, thank you.



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  • Im looking for a mostly raiding clan I am sick of playing with r andoms I am on ps4 . I want a clan that actually games with new members instead of oh hey join my clan cause I like the number but dont worry we will never game. Now recruit me



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    4 通の返信
    • Tha_swamiにより編集済み: 2/2/2015 4:09:59 AM
      Looking to join an active ps4 clan I'm on a lot looking for reliable people to play with 32 Warlock 31 Hunter 31 Titan Psn: tha_swami Pacific time



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      4 通の返信
      • Looking for a clan that actually adds me to play raids, strikes, and crucible! I am very experienced in all of those. -Ps4 -GENERAL_CARMONA -32 warlock and titan, 31 hunter. So if you need an experienced player with all weapons maxed then ADD ME!



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        3 通の返信
        • I'm looking for a PS4 clan with experienced members that have skill in PvE and PvP, I have a 32 Titan and a 31 lock with experience in everything, I'm easygoing and like meeting new people who play in everything, weekly, nightfall, raids, and crucible. I prefer a clan that is skillful but still fun to be around with a core group of 10 to 20 guys who know each other and set times and helps everyone in the clan get done what needs to get done. If that's you then send me a request and I will check it out. I also have a friend who is just as good that would be willing to join as well.



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          2 通の返信
          • Any UK clans?



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            1 返信
            • Looking for Crucible players PS4: Kaleidos_Joker Grimore: 2775 32 - Warlock, Titan, Hunter Crucible VoG and Crota Hardmode 3 x weekly NF and Weekly on Tuesdays 30 - Female Tennessee, USA Central Normal play time varies in 6pm to 6a CST



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              1 返信
              • Do u need a Clan? Join: Ultimate Raid Warriors (pending name change) We looking for fellow raiders and ROC runners. We primary focus on PVE. We very active and always get all our raid runs done every week. We have multiple swordbearers and tons of raid experience. We are not looking to carry, but looking for other experienced players. We are all currently on Ps4. Check us out.



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              • We are a laid back group based in the US that runs through weekly raids and nightfalls. We love humor and having a good time and always looking for some new friends to play with. Clan name is The Crotato Chips



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              • Fuurinkazan Clan Members: 23 - Open Recruitment Temporary Requirements: 1: Be Active (Clan Site or In-Game) 2: Be Respectful and Friendly 3: Communication is a "MUST" 4: Help fellow clan members 5: Knowledge in the Event you want to play (This will help fellow clan members) Additional Info: We are a playstation 4 and xbox360 clan, we are hoping to expand and find more members and leaders for the other console's. We have some dedicated players that are on about 8 hours or longer throughout the day. We also have members and admins that are welcome to helping players with any activity within Destiny from Leveling, Daily, Weekly, Nightfall, Crucible and Raiding. All ages and genders are welcome to join we have mature adult players, some kid players (most are family & friends) we try to be diverse with all ages and open minded. We have organized forums for posting an event or join one. Also a page to add members you would like to play with on your psn or gt. Please feel free to check us out or ask questions if interested. Founder: Nura287 Co-Founder: FRWSoulreaper Admins: Franky_diamondz, Chexter and Pheonixsplash



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              • --------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --------------------------------------------------- CLAN NAME: Insanitys Desperados CLAN MEMBERS: we are small clan of 4 friends always looking for more join REQUIREMENTS: No special requirements, casual raiding and pvp, only one i can think of is that people have fun ADDITIONAL INFO: Clan doesnt have approval pending set so if interested in joining just apply set clan etc and your in, welcome post saying on front or forum



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              • Derek Forrealにより編集済み: 2/10/2015 2:23:27 AM
                [quote] NEMESlS is a brand new, US based clan looking to grow. I am killa_cali_d and I am the founder of NEMESlS. We are looking for male AND female players who are mature, down-to-earth and have a good sense of humor (don't be so sensitive). Our goal is to get a well rounded group of players together to; 1. Progress in Destiny by sharing different strategies, techniques and ideas in the game 2. Make finding raid, weekly, and crucible partners a breeze 3. To help others level new characters 4. Make friends 5. To have fun If you are interested, feel free check out our page and join the group. Once in the group, click interactions the click join clan. (This can not be done through mobile app). Message me on or through PSN to find out more. Psn and bungie account are the same: killa_cali_d



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                7 通の返信
                • Looking for clan members for an adult only clan The Tenacious Morons Members of all sex, race religion and any group that can be discriminated against We raid a lot and always on so you'll be part of a good clan We will also help with levelling up characters and so on Feel free to join



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                  1 返信
                  • I'm looking for a legit clan who is down to do raids on normal and hard and the nightfall and strikes. I have a 32 warlock a 30 hunter. So if they're any clans like that out there. Feel free to post!



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                  • [quote] NEMESlS is a brand new, US based clan looking to grow. I am killa_cali_d and I am the founder of NEMESlS. We are looking for male AND female players who are mature, down-to-earth and have a good sense of humor (don't be so sensitive). Our goal is to get a well rounded group of players together to; 1. Progress in Destiny by sharing different strategies, techniques and ideas in the game 2. Make finding raid, weekly, and crucible partners a breeze 3. To help others level new characters 4. Make friends 5. To have fun If you are interested, feel free check out our page and join the group. Once in the group, click interactions then click join clan. (This can not be done through mobile app). Message me on or through PSN to find out more. Psn and bungie account are the same: killa_cali_d[/quote]



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                  • Howdy! Our clan name is Silly Geese. We're a bunch of guys that are all working on the endgame and all know our way around raids and strikes, but are really just looking for a good time. We take pride in our PvP skills (Skirmish in particular) and our abilities to team up and tackle a raid effectively. If you want a group who knows what they're doing, but also knows how to have a laugh, the Silly Geese has a spot with your name on it. -shufflebutter, Silly Geese clan leader



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                  • Ellgolasにより編集済み: 3/7/2015 11:45:05 PM
                    PS4: Papa_bear1990 Level 31 Titan I'm new to the Destiny raids, but not new to raiding and understand the grind that comes with it and strive to to be on point. I raided on World of Warcraft for 3 years and was a heroic progression raider. I'm looking for a strong, mature, but have a sense of humor, active clan to clear end game content. I'm not huge on PvP, but I'm willing to participate if there are pre-mades. Please send me an in game message if you're interested in recruiting me. Thanks for reading.



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                    1 返信
                    • [b] Hello we play raids (Hard + Normal) (Weekly + Nightfall) And (PvP) Every week We accept new players (Willing To Learn) and experienced players if you are looking for a well respectable clan come join us as we can help teach and guide you through the game Game Modes We Play - All Raids (Hard + Normal) - PvP (Skirmish) (Iron Banner) Etc - Vanguard Strikes - And Much Other Stuff Requirements 1 : Age of 15+ 2 : Ps4 (This is a ps4 clan 😂) 3 : Microphone 4 : Maturity (Childish people are unacceptable) 5 : Good listeners (People that want to learn) 6 : Have Fun 😊 Things We Would Like For You To Do - Be Online Around 4am Eastern To Get into raid - Be Cooperative and Listen - Speak Up When You Have An Idea - Don't Die - Ask before doing - Be Patient (Patience is a virtue - Be Respectful to other clan mates If You Would Like To Join Please Talk To One Of Our Admins - Owner Add YuzukiReySan or - Admin Add SkyDaKidd [/b] 15 Clan mates



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                      2 通の返信
                      • Officialにより編集済み: 2/27/2015 5:17:34 PM
                        CLAN NAME: Chaotic Voiderz ™ CLAN MEMBERS: 14 Clanmates 20 Members 8 Followers REQUIREMENTS: Must have an interest to build actual gaming relationships we are trying to build a serious gaming clan / helpful and dependable community ADDITIONAL INFO: Chaotic Voiderz is now recruiting for all four consoles! Low level? that's okay our clanmates are ready to help Higher level? whoa buddie your experienced! So start that post on our forum for the Nightfall, VOG OR Crota raid!! Our logo, and social media: | |



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                        2 通の返信
                        • Society of Osiris ps4 high skill active members only plz. This is primarily a pvp clan preparing for trials of Osiris and just pvp in general. If you'd like to join reply here in the forums. I'd like for everyone to have atleast a 1.3 destiny tracker overall kd. We also raid and do other weekly activities. My group beat hard mode crota on day two and we hope to do better on the next. Join for a guaranteed roster of strong players. Below is a link to the clan page.



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                        • hey, looking for some laid-back folks to do raids / weeklies / nightfalls with. I'm not terribly picky, would prefer the company of adults (20+) psn is vaquero_tonto



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