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Destiny について話し合おう
11/20/2014 4:03:24 AM


Think about your favorite game. Think about what made it so awesome. Was it perfect? Did it have flaws? Did it try to twist itself to fit the whims of the buyer? Or did it stick to its vision and became legendary? A big part of this is Integrity. I honestly cant think of any game that is still beloved after a long period of time that didn't have integrity. Its part of what made the game fun. The original The Legend Of Zelda is iconic. It remains replayable, because it allowed people freedom to quest, try multiple dungeons, and be punished their lower level through super strong enemies. Little Big Planet was unafraid to be a platform puzzler that captivated all ages (as someone who was 18 when they first played it, I honestly had more fun than playing CoD and listening to whiners, trollers, and the like). Shadow of the Clossus Was visually beautiful, and set the standard for next gen action/rpg/ platform, puzzlers. All these games had a vision and they stuck to it. And now we have Bungie with Destiny. They made one of the most iconic games of the last generation of gamers that reaches even the new gamers, who may not have been around when halo first released! They had a solid vision, determination, and passion. They made a game that they believed in and took no lip from no one. They had Integrity Now we have Destiny. We are all well aware of the problems Destiny has. The great news is that most of them are technical, which means that they can be fixed over time. The story delivery needs work, but they said they're working on it and that's fine. The fact that I didn't get the whole story till a month after beating the campaign is odd but finding and reading the grimoire cards was fun. They tried something and its didn't work out as great as they hoped, but hey they had the balls to try. So this brings us to the last groups of problems, and to be honest its one that we create. Don't rage about classes, don't whine about nerfs and buffs, and please don't groan about xurning. There are plenty of great posts that explain why each of these are non existent problems. My post is to simply say don't enable Destiny to lose the integrity it has by demanding Bungie to react to every whim. Let them make the mistakes, let them fix the non-game breaking ones their own, let us be surprised at what they can do. They will lose or gain their integrity and Destiny's integrity on their own. We have to let them work the game itself before we can demand they nerf or buff guns, before we pettition for class nerfs, and before we can figure out a true earning system. At the end of the day, those who like the game will still play it. It will be remembered for how much fun you had, how much you struggled with it, how great you felt when you started to get better. It won't be remembered for how quickly its bent over backwards to accommodate the insignificant gripes of the few who demanded to be accommodated. Maybe that's its biggest problem: its too accommodating. If you know you're gonna leave destiny for the new Cod, Far Cry, AC, or whatever else, do as all a favor: don't stick me with your spineless broken game. I just want to have fun; not terrorized by a few who feel they have a right to have the universe revolve around them.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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