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Destiny について話し合おう
Trandoにより編集済み: 11/17/2014 6:01:34 PM

Something Doesn't Feel Right?

I'm a Titan. Well my primary is at least. I've wanted to be a Titan since the classes were announced. [i]"The first Titans built the Wall, and gave their lives to defend it. Now, you stand in the same high place, steadfast and sure, protecting all who shelter in your shadow."[/i] That passage is what I wanted to live up to. But instead, I feel like Destiny casts both Titans and Warlocks as more of a Hunter based character. Sure, skill trees are different, and abilities differ as well. But I spend more time exploring the wilderness than I do defending or leading the charge from or against the Darkness. The only times that I feel like Titan should feel like is during cutscenes and strikes. If there was some way to capture the spirit of the class you play as, it could be a very interesting improvement upon gameplay and story. My idea is that each class has their own area that their Vanguard mentor or Hunter Rep is stationed in, not all in the same place like it is now. For instance, over by the hangar there is a rather large cluttered alcove down below everything with Hunter banners, trophies and a map with Hunter knives sticking out of it. It is so cool, and would be an excellent place for a Hunter den. If anyone has any ideas or feels the same, please share your thoughts! I'll definitely add them to the post! Thanks for reading! Edit: Wow! I know there aren't a lot of replies, but the replies are surprising very positive! Keep up the ideas! I'll add them on tonight! Thanks for the positivity folks! #TYBG



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