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Critical Zenにより編集済み: 11/15/2014 7:45:44 PM

Open World PvP in a Different Patrol Mode

This has been said before, but it would be awesome if this feature was implemented in a different form of patrol. When you select patrol in orbit you could then select the normal form of it or one with pvp. All the patrol missions in this mode could change to kill orders against other specific guardians, and you'd have to hunt them down if they weren't in the same area of the world as you. The players' name blips could also be hidden until you get within maybe 200 feet of them.These kill order patrols could be rationalized by saying that you're tracking a guardian who has gone rogue. Or, if you like, you could go rogue yourself and kill anyone who crosses your path. There could also be an incentive to play this mode so that it's not only played by people who are looking to slaughter others, and that could come in the form of material caches that appear slightly more often than public events. These caches could contain 15-20 materials that you'd find on the planet as well as an engram or two, and you'd slowly loot them so that you'd have to remain exposed for a while. The promise of loot would be tempting but also deterring at the same time because of the threat of other players. This would also encourage teamwork and cause some large scale wars between groups over these caches. There's so much that could be done with open world pvp, and it would offer a great, less formal way of pvp for those who aren't crazy about crucible. If these things were implemented they'd keep me playing the game for years to come without getting bored.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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