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11/11/2014 11:55:55 PM

Details have been important!... Or no?

I know this is a REALLY small thing compared to the other MAJOR issues of this game. But since everybody is already complaining about them, I would like to complain about this. Have in mind that I have only played as the Warlock to lvl 29 and dropped out on the other classes after lvl 4 since i liked the Warlock ALOT more. As far I've seen Destiny has alot of detail. The grass, the water etc. but this little detail annoys me a little. There is no change in elemental effects on some things on your character. Like if I have switched to Sunsinger, then neither the "ball" in your hand in the character screen, or the "aurora" around your character when you jump-glide switches color to yellow. I KNOW, I know this is such a tiny little detail. But it still bugs me.



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