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11/11/2014 9:00:30 PM

Raid bug bull Sh#t

So I was just doing an easy mode Raid with my Clan and one of my members, who got a DC error and then joined back before the worst bug debacle I have ever friggin seen happened, got credit for the Atheon kill but did not receive any of the loot. That being a problem already there's an even bigger one- we didn't kill Atheon. We held off killing Atheon for two vengeance rounds for him to join us so we could just kill him when he got there. Normally, this should be a simple matter, but with all the other team wiping bugs that are in the Vault of Glass, it's actually become a frustrating debacle of a fight to not only get to Atheon on either mode but actually have that one round where your servers don't kill us for your game AND where we actually beat the game at it's game, on EITHER mode. You're over here all worried about your d#mned raid boss being pushed off and fix that almost immediately, how about you fix the actual problems? Honestly I won't be happy until MottnDott gets some sort of compensation, AND you promise to fix this sh*t already.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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