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Destiny について話し合おう
SquareFantasyにより編集済み: 10/10/2014 4:15:49 AM

Breaking News: Plasteel Plating, Sapphire Wire, and Hadronic Essences Clutter City!

Guardians have been collecting these valuable resources for years now, using them to enhance their gear. However new data suggests that the items in question may not be as useful as they once were. Currently there are a number of recycling and waste disposal conglomerates reporting a huge influx of the materials being scrapped by Guardians who have no use for them any longer. As one local Sanitation Engineer put it: [i]"They just keep piling up, its like the Guardians think these things vanish into nothingness when they scrap them, but they just get transmatted to us and we have to find something to do with them."[/i] No comment has been issued from The Speaker or City Officials though the escalating problem shows no signs of slowdown. It is believed that on average a Guardian will horde over 700 of these items with no use for them whatsoever. While some believe that simply discarding them if they are a nuisance is the best policy, others believe there should be a constructive use for these once valuable materials. "We should be able to donate them to newly revived Guardians who may need them." one Guardian was heard to say. "They need to just offer a new barter system where they can be exchanged for goods or services, like we do with other materials." was another suggestion by a fellow Guardian. Whatever the case may be and whatever the future may hold for these items the future is uncertain. Will there be a greater and more profound use for these items in the days to come or will they simply continue to clutter our last standing city and fill the inventory of Guardians everywhere? No one can say for sure, but the problem exists...for now.



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