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ChaoTic_Sushiにより編集済み: 10/19/2014 1:54:10 AM

Voidfang exotic bug

When using the exotic chest piece know as "The Voidfang Vestments", I've noticed that 1 of its special traits allows you to spawn with full grenade energy. However, when I use the Scatter Grenade, thats not the issue. While I was playing PvP, and died, I respawned with no "full" grenade energy for my Scatter grenade. The Voidfang seems to work with all the other grenades, except the Scatter. I've tested this out and am wondering if I'm the only player facing this issue, or if it's a glitch. P.S: I've tried backing out of the Crucible and rejoining it, but it has no effect making it not a 1 game deal sort of glitch :I



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