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10/15/2014 6:50:36 PM

Destiny. One Month and Five Days Later

Destiny is Bungie's largest projects thus far. As a First-Person Shooter with MMORPG elements in it, the game requires a lot of time and attention in order to get best production value. So far several patches has come out for the game, which fixed a few of my first complaints about the game, but there is always room to improve. Parts they fixed 1) The Loot Mechanic: The loot system in the beginning was not the best. Rarely did players get anything worth while from chests or mid-level bosses, and level bosses dropped only decrypted items that were less then they were worth. I would not make a big of deal of it only if the developers did not make a huge fuss about it in their developing journals. From their description it sounded as if the loot would be on par with Borderlands 2. Fortunately the patches fixed that and chest actually hold a good amount of loot, and they made the Cryptarch an offer he could not refuse. 2) Vanguard Matchmaking: I said before that the Matchmaking was very minimal to the point of non-existing. The Vanguard Matchmaking has changed so now players with the same play levels are grouped together for the strike missions, and are very helpful and friendly. Until the strike is over and then it becomes a free-for-all. Hehehehe!! 3) The Events: To date there have only been two major events. The Queen's Emissary and the Iron Banner. Both events trned out to be a lot of fun, offer new quests and bounties, and better loot. Why I did not mention the Vault of Glass? Check out the problem section for details. Problems that need fixing 1) Crucible Matchmaking: So players have found out that a game that includes competitive multiplayer and single player/co-op play don’t mix very well. Most games these days have a PvP component, where players can take on other players, and a PvE component, where players can team up to fight against AI enemies in the larger world environment. Games like Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty have done the same thing to varying degrees of success. Destiny does not. Outside of the Vex Mythoclast problem, the Crucible's PvP section was strictly made for players who excel at PvP playing, which leaves the rest of adequate and non-PVP players as open targets. Think like the hunger games, except the careers always win. 2) Solo shaming: Harsh term, but necessary to bring up. For players who prefer to play solo, there is not a lot to do. Weekly, Daily, Nightfall Missions and the Vault of Glass are next to impossible to complete while playing solo, and grouping up strangers is not always the best since they leave mid-game or spout profanity at other players via mics. 3) Exotic Missions: In order to acquire exotic weapons and armor, players have to complete missions that tie to them - or find Xur. Ones that require killing x-amounts of AI driven characters are easy enough, but when it forces you into the crucible - where the odds are never in your favor - your performance can determine how much you progress in the quest. If you do really well, then really poorly it can actually hurt your quest and reduce all the work you put into it down to zero in a matter of kills. 4) The Tower: Still too small!! I mentioned this before and I'll say it again, the Tower - for an actual tower - is pretty small. Because of this it only serves as a quest location hub and merchant hub. Certain parts open up for events, and there seems to be a blocked off area near the speaker which will no doubt be unlocked in future patches or DLC. Another problem is that it is empty. Outside of the other players running around and playing soccer and dancing, there's not much to do. Named characters only serve as merchants and wont talk to you about their beliefs or causes, and the people living there rarely talk... It's actually kind of weird how they stand there. I am not asking for an area that takes half an hour to cross, but a little larger with other things to do would not hurt. 5) Ranging missions: Still not happy that player have to start from the same location every time they want to explore a region. This means it takes several minutes to get from point A to point B, even by Sparrow. 6) Xur and the Currency cap: These two are more like pet-peeves. I like Xur, and I wish I could find the bastard more. He's really cool and I want to talk to him more... If i can ever find him. The currency cap is another peeve. So far the cap is at 25000 glimmer. This would be fine, except its extremely easy to get glimmer. Just the act of dissembling an item gives players glimmer, based on its leveling. There is also not much to buy, seeing how most merchants, outside of Amanda Holliday (Shipwright), Eva Levante (Guardian Outfitter), and Banhee-44 (Gunsmith), only take Vanguard or Crucible marks and items are unlocked through reputation. 7) Reputation/Respect: It does not mater. Outside of getting better gear, it is as useful as nipples on a breastplate. If it worked as fame like in Red Dead Redemption, where NPCs are nicer to you and speak highly of your deeds, or serve as a means to get discounts from merchants, I can understand that. With that said, it remains useless. 8) DLC: The fact people have found the House of Wolves on the disk just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All and all Destiny is still a great game, but there is always room to improve. If I missed anything, write it in the comments below. Until then, I'll see you in my travels.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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