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Destiny について話し合おう
Synthiateにより編集済み: 10/15/2014 7:30:51 AM

An odd find in the Skywatch. Possibly lore?

I found a pile of remais of the Hive in one of the caves in the Skywatch. Going near prompted to "Disturb the Remains", and I did. Next, something odd happened. I started to hear whispers, along the lines of: "Yes...... It is done....... Master Rahool......" Then a prompt showed in the killfeed: "The enemies have turned on to each other" and I saw some Fallen firing at each other, but that could have been a bug. Guise. It would seem that our dear cryptarch has been up to no good. PS. The cave is the one next to the giant Hive spire. Ideas? Or is this just old news? Edit: So, it seems it was a nod to the cave farmers ;D "A million deaths isn't enough for Master Rahool"



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