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10/12/2014 6:21:59 AM

Sparrow jousting

I think this is a great idea, where do I sign up!


I don't think this is a good idea at all.


It has potential, but it needs work.


So I wanted to post this to see what others thought, I figured it had potential to be pretty cool but anyway the title probably gives you a good idea what it's about. If for some reason you didn't read the title, two words. Sparrow jousting. During pvp matches sometimes a fair rivalry can develop between the teams various players, I thought it would be cool to add the option for the highest player of the losing team to challenge any player in the winning team to a sparrow joust. You could then add the option where the rest of the players could then decide to watch the sparrow joust or to continue to the next game. After the sparrow joust you could then have a victory action that would influence the loser ie you could be nice and commend them for a good effort or you could t bag them lol. By doing this you could then unlock custom skins for your sparrow, maybe even other custom gear such as jousting poles and such. You could also have the option to challenge other people to jousts when on patrol, for practice but with no rewards as you would with the pvp version. Another thing I thought would be cool would be the ability to do tricks on your sparrow. I've noticed sometimes if you're following someone on a sparrow as it goes through a loading window they sometimes appear to be riding the sparrow like a surfboard for a split second. I think this idea really fits with the spirit of destiny and could really make it a more social experience. I remember reading about how the developers of destiny wanted each exotic or legendary weapon you had to have its own story, we'll I think this would really fit in with that idea. Being able to do a certain sparrow trick for example, being the result of 50 victories against other players. Having sparrow skins you unlock for achieving certain feats, ie x number of headshot victories, or for performing x number of victory actions. You could then in a way have skins that are kinda karma linked. Be nice a certain number of times and you unlock that skin, become a t bag master and same thing applies. (I dunno how bungie will react to t bagging so don't get your hopes up for a t bag master sparrow skin lol this is just an example, but you get the idea) Then while your on patrol with your custom sparrow, the skin you have tells the story. I also feel like at the end of pvp matches the voice chat should be opened for a short time so everyone could celebrate, or at least have the ability to opt into such a feature. Now just as a final note, I've added a poll here.......not sure if it's going to work so bear with me and keep in mind this is only the beginning. If there's enough interest and people pool their ideas here who knows where this could go. So in regards to the poll answer "I think this is a great idea, where do I sign up!" This is the answer if you see the potential for expansion, customisation and the social aspect involved....... and like the idea of having the rewards that go along with it. "It has potential, but it needs work" pick this answer if you think there are aspects of this idea that have promise but there are large flaws that are potentially game breaking involved, or maybe you just don't like certain aspects but do like others. "I don't think this is a good idea at all" pretty self explanatory lol Finally I just want to thank anyone who's taken the time to read this and everyone who participates in the poll, let's see what everyone thinks!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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