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Cpt Starflareにより編集済み: 9/27/2014 9:53:22 PM

the Floodian hat thread

If you could wear one floodian as a hat, who would it be and why? I'd gladly wear BioSmiley on my head for the rest of my life if that meant an unlimited supply of poptarts and happy smileys. :3 I'd be concerned if I screwed up one morning and accidentally wore evil BioSmiley instead. He has tentacles. [b]list of hatness:[/b] - SgtPineapple wears Fartmonkey as his gurglehat of choice -BannedMackC12 likes his Rain hat. [b]development:[/b] Znor wants Rain as hat too. [intrigue intensifies] -DeChief wears Randomrosso as his own hefty Davey Crockett hat. Shlong in neck and all. [sexy intensiefies] -Drksteel would try wearing "official post DeeJ" to gain command of his army of desticles. We have to somehow arrange this... -Agent Space Wolf sports a Bastage hat. Not only as a fashion statement. But also as social protection. -TheKnaveOfDeath has one of the longfaces on his head. As a result he gets showered in shit and flame for most of the day, but he's having a blast anyways. -Afrojoe wears Otthild and Otthild wears Elegiac. [hatception intensifies]



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