below you'll find some points i would like to see included in the next patchnotes.
[b]Game Options:[/b]
- language settings added to the menu: display language + audio language
- audio settings enhanced: separate volume for voip, music, sound effects (gunfire etc)
- [option] detailed cooldown: render numeric cooldown on abilities (grenades, melee, super) for better strategic planning
- [option] advanced tooltips: show numeric values for dmg increase or cooldown reduction etc in the fokus/weapon's upgrade tooltips. (e.g. Kills with Skill x reduce the cooldown of grenades by x%)
- Faction reputation will now be shown in the inventory menu
- Glimmer bonuses (and similar) now display as buff on the lower left corner of the screen. (like other short duration buffs)
- Engrams now always decrypt into their dropped color. (no use in having two times rng) - drop rate for engrams adjusted to keep the speed of acquiring rare+ as it is now.
- Strike bosses now have an increased chance to drop engrams and can also drop materials to make defeating them more rewarding.
- Heroic Enemies now have an increased chance to drop the zone's materials. (not too crazy)
[b]Social Interaction:[/b]
- Players can be invited to fireteam by searching for name. This allows the community to create fireteams with people they want to do strikes with (e.g. from inofficial lfg tools) and dont necessarily want on their friendlist.
- You will no longer receive bounties for unavailable Crucible modes.
...to be continued
what would you guys like to have on the next patchnotes? Please only list stuff that could be added without having to redesign whole game mechanics. this list is just for quick fixes bungie could make to make the game more appealing to a wider audience.