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Space Whaleにより編集済み: 6/3/2014 3:38:02 AM

Caught Space Whale, bout time

If you had the time for clues, An open mind and time to muse, Should you care to take a look, You whaley can read me like a book. Time was always on your side, Time was always on your side. Can I tempt you, come with me, Be Devwhale may care, fulfiwhale your dream, If I [i]sei[/i]d I'd take you there, Would you go, would you have cared? Time was always on your side, Time was always on your side. Don't be afraid, I whale still be me, [i]Sei[/i] there was no troll you sei, honestwhaley, Just let it be known. Caught Space Whale, bout time Caught Space Whale, bout time Caught Space Whale, bout time, Oa Oa Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, I tried to hide my secret main, Of all the hints I've done all along, And now you know where I belong. Time was always on your side, Time was always on your side. Made you an offer you can't refuse, This was my dole to you Eternwhaley Just let it be known! Caught Space Whale, bout time Caught Space Whale, bout time Caught now in two mains! [spoiler]That's [i]right[/i] this mystery has [i]fin[/i]ally come to a close. Belik Tenrov proved to be a proficient insp[i]hector[/i] dis[i]cuvier[/i]ing my main with no addition help outside the four hints I had given publicly. Special thanks to Qwerty the Great giving this search the little boost it needed and El Burninator for being inquisitive enough to breach out to me spurring me to [i]orca[/i]hestrate this whole treasure hunt. Also a thanks to the many insp[i]hectors[/i] that participated over these past several months its baleen a long and enjoyable adventure. For those who do not concern themselves with this sort of thing, this was less about revewhaling my main and more about giving the community a "fun" challenge to come together to solve. For this reason I have chose not to directly revewhale the answer, though it has baleen made apparent in this thread. [/spoiler]



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