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Destiny について話し合おう
NeoMorph WTHにより編集済み: 9/3/2014 8:22:25 PM

The Last Days Of Planet Earth

One thing that has been bugging me since playing the Beta are the Colony Ships. LOADS of them... all at similar levels of construction. Normally we see work on two or three space vehicles at a time... We didn't shoot Apollo rockets all at the same time for example. Could they be from when humanity knew the Darkness was on the way and Russia was rushing (pun unintended) to build the equivalent of Arks to try and save the human race? Could Skywatch have been the lookout to see where the Darkness was in order to give warning so the ships could launch? If so, then something drastic must have gone wrong to leave so many colony ships still on the ground. Surprise attack? Sabotage? The rockets look functional as they were loading the huge cargo containers you can see on the sides of the ships. They each had three shuttles as well... but they still are standing (bar the two that got knocked over when you came out of the wall and saw the Fallen Ketch come out of slipspace and force them over). In fact the Mothyards could be the aircraft that had come to deliver the cargo for the ships... So, what do you think happened to cause the colony ships to be left unlaunched?



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