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Destiny について話し合おう
7/30/2014 11:07:19 PM

In-Game Clan Roster...kind of

So, your friendly neighborhood Snap here kicking some old school knowledge on you suckas! 1) Where is the [u]Clan[/u] list? - 53hrs of Beta gameplay and the only concern I had in the entire Beta was not being able to play with all of my clanmates. Now, for everyone who will say RandomGamer -"But Snap, (my names not "Butt Snap" in case you were wondering) you can see it in the roster that it has [u]your[/u] friends with [u]your[/u] clan [u]effin idiot[/u]" [i]Whoa whoa there tiger![/i] Now, I have plenty of friends aaaannnddd admin a Clan.... *cough cough* THB (The Honor Bound) @ #honor #Bound *cough cough* With all that said and done, the LITERALLY only thing that is harder than underwater basket weaving is trying to coordinate 30+ people into [u]3 man fireteams[/u] ...without them all being on everyone else's [u]friendslist[/u]. RandomGamer - "But Snap, (what did i say earlier?) just add everyone...moron." "[u][i]Ahhhaaa![/i][/u] Its so simple why didn't I think of that!" Already did. Everyone's added. Problem still remains that everyone in the Clan doesnt seem to have the same "managing" skills like a retired Marine does and it leads to my inbox becoming full of "Snap--add me so we can kill shit Pew Pew" So, in conclusion, may be please be given a way to set up a clan list [u]IN-GAME?[/u]. Easiest would be to make a manageable Clan roster that will allow everyone that signed up online/app (see? Im looking out for [i]you[/i] Bungie) to be able to access their other clanmates with little resistance from the dreaded "Man i have to check the CLAN board for people? Then I have to ADD them!!!!?!?! *rage quit* Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Gripes? Moans? #Shoottheshit -OhSnap PS- Customizable Clan exclusive items would be awesome...just sayin



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