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Destiny について話し合おう
Your MOM is MCにより編集済み: 7/24/2014 1:41:43 PM

Trading Cards??

So yeah, I woke up browsing tumblr to find a page I don't even remember following to have a post in (I believe) Czech talking about Destiny trading cards. In the post was a picture of said cards and just under that was a list of cards and 9-digit codes that went with each. I redeemed them all already (surprisingly still available but the post was like just made not even like 10 mins ago so yeah) but just in case they have multiple redemptions, here ya go: So anyone wanna fill me in on what's up here? I thought these cards were part of the Limited Edition? The post in the language believed to be Czech: [quote]"Všech 17 Destiny Sběratelských Karet + kódy Na různých akcích v průběhu několika let Bungie rozdávalo tyto krásné sběratelské kartičky s tématikou Destiny. Ješte se sice neví co přesně budou odemykat v plné hře, ale určitě to bude něco exkluzivního. Zde jsem pro Vás sehnal všech 17, tak "[/quote] So, old or gold, I'm still curious to see what's the dealio with all this. My apologies if this is ancient as hell, I barely come on here anymore. P.S. Quick dig turned out this is old as all hell so I'll just leave this here to whither away or for anyone who hasn't heard about it to get in on the action. So yeah. Sorry folks. Slow poke MC at it again lol.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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