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7/8/2014 4:41:48 AM

The Flood takes Halo 3: Bungie Day 07/07/2014

This is our group picture from our celebration of Bungie Day. 'Twas a glorious occasion, our dear Solonoid hosted a tournament, custom games were shared, and now the party continues on Halo: Reach. Even though it took over 10 minutes to rally the group and get ready for the picture, I believe it paid off in the end. As the Bungie Lore indicates, the winner of the annual tournament shall be named Champion of the Flood. So, my brothers, I am pleased to introduce our champion: [b][u]A Forum Cop![/b][/u] May your time as Champion be long and prosperous, until next year, when a new champion arises from the ashes. How is everybody else doing on this fine Bungie Day?



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