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7/7/2014 7:01:15 AM

Happy Bungie Day, from across the Pacific!

Though I rarely manage to get online due to my stupidly long walk across New Zealand, I felt I should take this rare opportunity to celebrate Bungie Day with the rest of the 7th Column, lest we be hurled into the sun from a giant slingshot. May your day be splendid and filled with glorious Bungie and Destiny related shenanigans. Non facete nobis calcitrare vestrum perinæum! Coincidentally, this is being posted at 7 PM local time which is exactly 12 AM PDT on 07/07/2014. :O One final side note; I'll be flying the Bungie flag pretty much the entire distance [as pictured here], so if any of you Bungie fans in New Zealand spot me, feel free to clue me in on any details I've missed! Especially seeing as I'll be missing out on the Beta :(



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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