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6/8/2014 1:57:16 AM

evolving with the world

This whole thing with bungie firing marty really really sucks, as a matter of fact it BLOWS. But bungie has survived and is the godfather of the fps. They have grown to be massive and are still on their course to world domination. In order to do so they need to keep good, clean, gears to run the machine. And i believe that bungie, whatever it is that they are doing, did what they did because it was necessary. They are still up there, and they are trying to keep their position in the ranks, the world is evolving and they have to evolve with it. Marty is a great guy, extremely talented in the musical arts and as far as we know it, has a good head on his shoulders. He will have a bright future, but i have a feeling so will Bungie. I love both bungie and marty. But the more creative minds and complex talents, the better. I don't view this whole situation completely a negative. All i really want to do is play destiny lol



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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