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3/27/2014 2:24:04 AM

On the topic of lolololol

[b]So I watched a lot of Arby n' the Chief[/b] [i]I like to think that part of my life is over, I stopped responding to people in ROFLMAOs years ago[/i] Yet, it is not over, recently I picked up on the fact that when my significant other is feeling significantly snarky, she will extend her lols. Now, it started out as a lololol and then moved to the coveted lololololololol. [i]Things got bad[/i] when I sat her down in front of youtube and showed her what horrific voice I was reading all her lols in, and now no matter what the situation, I'm greeted with lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololols. Here we go, one of those fantastic Flood/Offtopic girl advice posts~ How should the murder be executed, how do I go about with the cover-up, you're all accessories now, so buckle in. [b][i]Apparently my significant other is 12. Oops, jail time. Really all I'm asking is; were you that guy? I was, I even soisoisoisoisois-ed, did you realize what a piece of crap you were? What were we doing, oh my god.[/i][/b]



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