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オリジナルの投稿元:Outer Heaven
Hipi07により編集済み: 3/25/2014 5:20:31 AM

Opinions on MGS Ground Zeroes?

Now that the game has been out for sometime, for those of you who have played the game, what are your thoughts on it? I am completely in love with the game. Well worth the 20 I spent on it. I already nearly have 25h put into the game and I still have a lot of stuff to do. The gameplay is incredibly solid and fun as hell, no matter if you are taking the stealth approach or the guns blazing approach. So many different ways to mess with the guards and set up traps, it just doesn't get boring. And the story, while short, was very good. To get the most out of it you need to have at least played Peace Walker and listened to the tapes. The tapes in Ground Zeroes give you a whole other perspective of what was going on in the camp, and further develop the characters of Paz and Chico. It is truly heartbreaking what goes down. Few games have ever affected me emotionally and Ground Zeroes did that. Paz is most likely my new all time favorite female character in any form of media thanks to the events and development of Grond Zeroes. So, do any of you guys plan on getting Ground Zeroes? For those that have, what is your opinion on the game? [spoiler]RIP Paz </3[/spoiler]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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