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Destiny について話し合おう
TheAntiroxasX2により編集済み: 3/28/2014 2:04:45 AM

Create A Story & Win A Code FINAL

[i][b]Create a story / lore about destiny[/b[/i]] [u] [PLEASE][/u] - Be creative, [b]BLOW MY MIND AWAY[/b] - please no crappy submission's, but it has to be good. - no copying other story/lore from different website's.... - try google drive to save your work... [ optional ] - take time to finish the story & polish it,[quote][i] this competition end's 3/27/14[/i][/quote] Come on, start now[b] 5 winner's [/b]will be selected :) [P.S] this contest is being decided by the following judge's.... - TheAntiroxas/X2 [Me] timmy22 -Jacob & Isaiah [friend's from RL] - COW GUY HAS JOINED THE BATTLEFIELD Update: I'll PM The Winner's & Show There Name In The List Below [quote]Winner's [/quote] [quote]JustDin0[/quote] [quote]I Love Prizes[/quote] [quote]old account ant[/quote] [quote]Megan Bennett[/quote] [quote]VorpalFOX[/quote] ALL WILL BE REVEALED [b]10:00 PM [/b] [b]Thank You For Entering This Contest! Have A Fine Day [/b] [i]FYG - Fly Young Gentlemen, you are my sir![/i] [b]UPDATE: THE WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED AT 10:00 PM[/b] [i] [NYC TIMEZONE][/i] [i][b]THOSE WHO PM'ED ME & WON YOUR EPIC NICE STORIES.... Pretty long though - Google Drive[/b][/i] [b]ONE MORE THING.... I LOOKED UP SOME OF YOUR STORIES THERE COPIED[/b]...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Explodingpigletsにより編集済み: 3/28/2014 1:11:13 AM
    It was a beautiful day as I walked through the fields. Earth may have died ages ago, and the remnants of that time scattered among the rolling hills in the form of rusty cars that had long ago stopped functioning. My destination was a lake I liked to call "Lake hope", because it always gave me a feeling of peace whenever I visited it. It reminded me that as dangerous as Earth is, beauty can still be found. This day was different however, I was expecting somebody to meet me there, an encounter that will change my life. Recently, a mysterious admirer had been leaving flowers on top of the car that I liked to sit on. At first it was just one rose, then the next week there were 2 roses. The week after that, an ornate bouquet adorned the top of the car. One day I was attacked by a lone Cabal. My weapon had jammed and the hulking beast aimed his cannon at me. But just before he fired, a shot rang out and a bullet pierced his helmet and he fell over, dead before he hit the ground. When I visited lake hope again, my admirer had left a rare exotic fallen sniper rifle surrounded by more flowers. It was probably the same gun that took out the Cabal. He etched a note on a piece of scrap metal and left it under the gun: "Take". I had heard of guardian angels before, but I never knew they existed. I found another piece of scrap metal and using my knife, I left him a message and told him I was in his debt and that I would love to meet him. When I came back to that spot, he had left more flowers and another note: "too beautiful. im unworthy.". I remember feeling my cheeks flush as I read those words. I didn't see anybody around, but still I hid my reddening face in my garment. When I collected myself, I left another note: "thank you." The next few weeks I had some more close encounters with various aliens. Every time I came close to being killed, my guardian angel saved me with a well-placed shot or a grenade lobbed from a mysterious location. Every time I tried to locate where he had shot from, he had already vanished. I was beginning to fall in love with my unseen admirer and I really wanted to meet him. Finally, I left him another note: "You have saved my life more than once, you've called me beautiful, you've given me a valuable weapon, but more than that, you've given me hope in a hopeless world. I don't care how ugly you are. But I want to meet you, please. I want to meet my guardian angel." The next day, the day I headed towards the lake, the day that would change my life forever, I walked towards the car and was surprised to find no flowers. Instead, there was an ancient live communication device. I picked it up and immediately it turned on. A display said "Hello. I wish to meet you too." I used the built in keypad and said "Why don't you? Why are you so afraid? You've saved my life more than once." I waited a few moments, then I received a reply from my admirer: "Do you really want to meet me? I may not be what you expect." "Yes, please, I want to meet you so much. I don't care how ugly you think you are, I am falling in love with you because you've done more for me than anybody has in my entire life. I don't care about how you look. Everybody I have ever met has either wanted me to be a tool for the traveler, or has tried to get inside my pants. I am nothing but a whore to society because I am a woman. I have never been treated with respect. But then you come along, give me flowers, save my life, and give me your weapon and tell me I'm beautiful and you ask for nothing in return. I don't even know your name. I waited for a reply, but it didn't come. Tears began to trickle down my face. I sent another message: "I know you can see me, I'm crying like a little girl because I want to meet you so badly. Please....let me meet you." Finally, he replied. "I will meet you. But my appearance may draw your gunfire. Will you promise not to shoot me?" "Yes!" I replied, I couldn't imagine anybody being that ugly. Then came his final reply: "turn around." My face flushed and grew very hot, he was standing right behind me, my unseen admirer who saved my life and won over my heart. Nervously I turned around while looking at the ground, I saw his shadow first, but I looked up and my heart jumped. Kneeling there in the grass holding a bouquet of Roses in all 4 of his arms, was a Fallen captain. At first I was horrified, I fought my urge to pick up my gun and shoot him. But he was still kneeling there with his head bowed, his helmet on the ground. He extended his arms, offering the flowers to me. Trembling, I walked towards him to accept the flowers when my legs gave way. Before I could hit the ground, he had traversed the short distance between us and caught me. Immediately he withdrew his arms and said something in his alien tongue, I couldn't understand what he was saying. I saw the device I had been using early laying on the ground. New words had shown up: "I am sorry. I didn't mean to touch you, I didn't want you to be hurt." Then I understood, he had been using the device as a translator. "no..." I said, I took his arms and placed them on my shoulders again, "It's ok...I.....I..." I couldn't say anymore. I embraced him in my arms and hugged him as tight as I could. Without thinking, I kissed him where I thought his mouth should be. At first he was surprised, but he returned the kiss, at least the fallen equivalent of a kiss, which seemed to be a mouth hidden behind a set of fang-like mandibles. I pressed against his lips and he gently raked the side of my cheeks with his mandibles, which tickled. Then he gave me a hug I will never forget. His top arms wrapped around my back and his bottom arms grabbed under my thighs and he lifted me up into the air. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity. He stroked my hair, his claws gently raked my scalp. I scritched behind his horns and he began to rumble, almost as if he were purring. He got his slime all over my face and in my eyes, but I loved him. I had decided that I would never ever go back to the wall, back to the people who wanted me just to be a tool for a sphere in the sky. I told my angel that I wanted him to "kidnap" me and take me away with him. I wanted to be his, I wanted to learn about his race and about him. He scooped me up in his arms and pressed a button on his wrist. His ship materialized out of the air and he took me inside. The cloak retook the ship and hid it from view. Nobody would ever suspect a thing, unless they got close enough to hear the ship rocking back and forth at night. Today we are happily mated with 4 fallen-human hybrid children of our own that we hatched from the eggs that I laid.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    2 通の返信
    • Had fun :)



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      3 通の返信
      • 0
        It was a great expierience



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Thanks for the oppurtunity



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • I didn't win, oh whale, but did you guys like mine?



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Those who spam my [i]inbox[/i] wont get a [b]prize [/b]:I unless it's an error i made ( your an exception) Foop McGeralds



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        1 返信
        • Mine is copied, but I did write it, i posted it a while ago, so i posted it on here as my short story.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • Cold.... So very cold... This story is told during the Golden Age I'm lio vital and this is my story .this is how the awoken came to be.We were humans on the planet Sundane it was a beautiful planet so much life to it .We were a peaceful people we didn't bother much and we were happy with what we had. One day a ship arrived an enormous ship we awed in its amazement. When we got to see who it was it wasn't who we expected it to be. These creatures were alien and they looked at us with a sense of curiosity and at the same time horror. We tried to communicate and things seemed to work we found out they're called "The Fallen" we saw how they're society worked and what they came to the planet for. They told us they were looking for a new home becuase their home was inhabitable . We told them we could share the planner help Eachother evolve . Things were great for a while until people started disappearing. We didn't know why they went missing but we tried finding them we asked the "Fallen" to help us and it appeared they tried.. But we were wrong they started changing the fallen they became more reclusive more darker which scared us a little bit but we didn't pay to much mind to it . One day my son ashtik was playing in the field . It seemed like a good day as any other until I heard my son scream . I grabbed my gun and rallied others and chased the sound of my sons voice until I couldn't hear him any more I kept moving forward even after all the others went back. When I lost hope and was ready to go home and mourne my lost i discovered something. Something that will change all of humanity forever . They're was a cave I found I went inside to find shelter for the night . It was calm and quite until I heard familiar noises I thought it was just me out here so far from anyone but yet I heard noises of what sounded like "The fallen" I went deeper in the cave afraid of what I might find but curious of what it was . I saw hundreds of fallen in this huge cavern they looked like they were performing rituals . Dark evil rituals . Long ago our pariah "The traveler" spoke of a terrible evil that was his biggest enemy and that many followed it . Many were skeptical it still existed after so long but if this wasn't work of the darkness I didn't know what was. They were sacrificing humans I saw bodies soo many bodies ... I ran and I didn't stop until I made it back to our settlement.. But what I found when I got there shocked me . Our entire presence on the planet has been over run by "The Fallen". I did the best I could to free other captives but soon i to was a prisoner. They experimented on us they tried to change us. Make us more like them . We come to realize when they die what looks like Their "Souls" exit they're body and they tried to make us like that.. So many died before they ended up with the results they had. They told us we were now to be called the "Awoken" that they have liberated us from "The traveler" and that we now worship the darkness. Out of millions on the planet only a couple thousand survived . We were losing hope after so much time has passed . They augmented us changed us they way we did things and the way we looked would never be the same ... When all hope was lost our pariah came to liberate us we did all we could and manage to escape on a ship back to earth . Back to the other humans everything was going well until the "darkness " showed up . Our traveler so mighty he was became over whelmed and was forced to leave us and go back to earth but us we weren't so fortunate . When the ship we stole managed to lift off they shot at us they and damaged it severely . We barley escaped and we luckily got back to earth but not without loss ... I thought of my son and how I couldn't find him and such anger rose but no matter what I couldn't find a way to vent it ... We arrived to earth only to find out the darkness was overwhelming humans across the solar system . And our pariah they one that saved us who risked so much to save us was badly damaged hovering over earth . This is when it all turned south.. Planet after plane was devoured by a shroud of darkness that forced the human race back to earth . Like animals we scavenged for all we had and made a city under our beloved traveler. Many years after I became a guardian of the city my life's goal was to protect that city to never let it fall like my planet did or like my son.. My name is lio vital and that is my story.. And protecting the city is my Destiny.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          1 返信
          • 15 minutes!



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            2 通の返信
            • :) PM'ed you, who wants to read my story?



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              1 返信
              • I PUT [b]10:00 PM [/b]FOR SAKE



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                1 返信
                • WHEN WILL THIS HAPPEN?



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                  1 返信
                  • [b]Parker Slaide of the Atlantis Colony PT. 1[/b] Hide. That's the word i've lived on my whole life. When you live in a place like Atlantis Georgia, this is how you survive. This wasn't hard for me, i was the average size of a seventeen year old, so that was not an advantage. I was basically your average teen, aside from my purple eyes. The reason i can hide so well is my "short-range" teleporting ability. But seeing as i can teleport up to five miles away, that's not considered short-range, considering the average is about three yards. This is what gives me the advantage of hiding, and that's why i'm alive. In our colony we are able to summon power from something i've never seen, something strange and beautiful. But it seems to work, so I choose not to question it. Everyone in our colony of about fifty people has trained multiple abilities, some even have short-range teleport, like me, but they're distance is average. I never wanted another ability, teleport is all i need, i dabbled a bit in invisibility, but my range of teleportation lessened, and invisibility was far less important to me, so i stopped training invisibility at the amount it was, which was ten seconds, which, sometimes, is more than enough time to escape a Caballen. A Caballen is what i can best describe as a spider and a rhino, at least i think those are things, i've never seen any in Atlantis. Caballen are big, gray, fleshy masses, with four arms, and a bad temper, they're ferocious and really the only threat in Atlantis. They are quite scary, and they are everywhere, the fifty colonist have secured one tower as our own, aside from that, it's either Caballen, or my territory. Sure, the colonists are allowed in my buildings and streets, but few choose to adventure with me. The only ones who do are my best friends, Gianna Dumas, Bayli Wilkerson, and Wade Wilkins. I had quite the crush on Gianna. Which was good, because Wade seemed to like Bayli. She was beautiful. I never seemed to stop thinking about her, with her flowing brunette hair, and her snow white skin. Her skin was beautiful, she was beautiful, but she wasn't pale, she was... something else. Today it was just me and Gianna. I was definitely fine with this, seeing as some alone time might have been all i needed, i wanted to tell her how I felt, how i loved her, how i would never leave her, and that I hoped with all my heart she felt the same. "Let's go! What are you waiting for?" She had a twinkle in her eye which signified thrill, i laughed and picked her up, this was amazing, i could tell this would be a great day. I ran to the edge of the roof of the colonist's building. The wind was flying against my face, i jumped as far as i could from the edge. I was falling straight towards the street. It was coming closer. Gianna screamed and laughed as we got ever closer, she pounded my chest in a fit of fear and thrill, this made me lose breathe, I inhaled quickly, probably two yards from the ground, I closed my eyes and teleported. When I opened my eyes, Gianna's hair was wild and messy, she looked at me and laughed, blushing a little, making her white cheeks rosy. Which i found unbearable, but I wanted to wait a little longer to tell her my feelings. We walked side by side, tiptoeing so we wouldn't draw attention. We walked up the stairs of the building until we got to the roof. We walked to the edge of the building and looked down, below were about twenty Caballen in the streets. "You wanna have some fun?" She asked suspiciously. I didn't even respond, i grabbed her hand, and jumped from the roof. In midair I teleported us to the ground. Gianna immediately ran at the closest Caballen, and threw something she calls a "Midnight Dragon," it's basically a purple orb that disintegrates any in its path. She kept doing this, and i teleported onto one Caballen's back to the next's, breaking each of their necks. We had demolished all of the Caballen. I couldn't wait anymore, she was sweaty and out of breathe, but this made me want her more, "Gianna, I need to tell you something," then she responded, but not at all how I expected, she pulled me towards her and kissed me, i was blushing like, well, something that blushes a lot. She ran from me laughing and telling me to follow. I ran after her laughing, and quite happy, this meant felt the same, that she liked me to, maybe not love, but i could only hope for that. I teleported in front of her, as she kept running, she ran me over, and we were laying on the ground, we kissed for a few minutes, this filled me with a feeling of great happiness, i had never wanted anything more. Then, out of no where, she was ripped from my grasp. A rogue Caballen had picked her up. When I ran at the Caballen, it brought Gianna down on its knee, it threw her body to the side, she lay there limp, and dead. My ears began roaring as blood rushed to my head. Hide. That word seemed to not exist anymore. Kill. Murder. Revenge. I teleported right in front of it, and punched it square in the teeth, all of which fell out. I grabbed its hand, flipped over its shoulder, and pulled back its arm. It had talons about nine inches. I ripped one out, teleported in front of it, and sliced it across the neck. I teleported back to the colonist's building holding Gianna's body, i handed her to one of the doctors, ran to my room, and mourned. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and began sharpening the talon. With every scrape was a flashback to Gianna's death. I cut an old leather jacket's sleeve from the jacket. I cut into strips, and wrapped it around the hilt. I sat and focused my teleportation on the newly made blade. I threw the knife at my pillow, and imagined a deep dark pit. The pillow disappeared, and the blade teleported back into my hand. Wade and Bayli came by to attempt to cheer me up. They knew it wouldn't work, but it was the first time I had had some fun since then. In the middle of our get-together, the building began to shake, i wasn't sure what it was. I grabbed Wade and Bayli, then teleported us to the roof. We looked up and saw enormous ships in the clouds, skinny creatures, some with two arms, some with four, fell from the sky. One with four landed right in front of me. It pulled out its swords, but I sliced it across the chest, which sent him to the bottom of the deepest ocean i could summon in my mind's eye. I could tell this blade would prove to be quite useful. But just then, another spaceship flew in, and three men dropped onto our building, "We're a Fireteam from the Last City. We're here to help."



                    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    1 返信
                    • Guy walks into the room. Guy sees poison. He drinks it. He dies... His mom walks in and drinks some poison too, ten she dies! [b][i][u]Le Fin[/u][/i][/b]



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • I was in a car crash and a baby was in the other car. I was that baby #MINDBLOWN



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • Super last minute entry [spoiler]He stared at the rolling clouds with little on his mind. His body was still and angled up against a rotting wall. The fungus and mold grew around him while he slowly deteriorated. His mechanical parts slowly whistled, the pistons and gears turned relentlessly without stop. He could live forever just like the clouds, but they would last much longer. He broke his stared to look over at the others who shared the decaying cell, they looked back at him. Their fear resignated around them, he could almost feel it. Their eyes carefully jumped between him and the door, for time was finished keeping track of their fellow prison member. He turned to the door as well once the patter of footsteps drew near. Two figures, two silhouettes, two very different things. The larger one opened the door with two arms while the other two pushed the smaller figure into the cell. It's eyes flavored disgust and anger, the kind that only the Fallen knew how to properly display. It muttered something to the rest of the group in a unknow tongue, but the mechanical men understood every word. The rest saw it as a warning, he translated it as an apology. He could see the hidden emotion in the creatures eyes, he did not want to hurt her in her fragile state but he is only following orders. The others gathered around their fellow member, she would need their support. Beaten and lashed, she fell into the arms of the only other woman. She was bleeding badly in some parts around her back and one of her legs were critically damaged. They asked her a series of short question while they proped her up against the wall. Her moans justified the needed attention; she complained that her back was aching but her unborn child was safely secured. All of them, including the Fallen, felt her pains and thus, she was given whatever was mustered up. At least she would live for awhile, but the question remained the same. [i]So young, so pretty. She nevered deserved any of this.[/i]The Exo thought while shaking his head and returning his thoughts towards the shining midday star. He could sense a pair of eyes on him, yet he did not look. "She hurt badly you know. But, it's not like you care." his voice surfaced among the chatter of the others. The Exo stared at the window, his comment caused no damage. The other woman next to him, an older Awoken lady, tapped his shoulder. "Stop it Amir!" she calmly yelled at him. He looked deeply into her eyes and felt another pair watching. Something was brewing inside him, something that he felt had reached it's height. The more he looked into all of their eyes, he could feel their grief, their suffering. His anger had always been the one to accompany him when he allowed it too, there were no exceptions this time. "Don't. Please just-" "I've had enough! You just can't sit there and not feel something. You don't wanna talk, well I will!" Amir got up from his crouched position, despite being tugged down by the others. He walked the short distance and stopped in front of the Exo, who still continued to stare out of the cell window. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" The Exo kept his attention on the fuzzy clouds that rolled on by, but the clouds brought a large shadow that engulfed the complex and blocked the shining star. Another argument about him and his careless attitude was beginning, but something was different this time. Those clouds spelled out dark intentions. The Exo watched as Amir began breathing heavy, his fists were shaking. The others looked away. "Traveler damn you! How dare you continue to sit and do nothing! You're a guardian, you have a sworn duty to protect people like us." he started pacing around the room but stopped once he had the guardian's attention, "All you damn Exo are heartless. You never cared for anything but your own well being. What about us?" "Amir, stop this! Arguing won't get us anywhere!" Amir faced the other woman, Johanna, with a harsh stare. He quickly came up to her and looked deeply into her eyes again. "You can't tell me that...that thing over there has failed to do his sworn job!" his angry peaked. She shook her head. "I know things are grim, but-" "You can't tell me that he doesn't feel something, especially when one of us comes back from being tortured. Why should we have to suffer just because he won't tell these damned creatures what want to hear!?" "He must have his reasons." she commented. "Oh it has its reasons alright, it wants us to feel like it does. I've had enough of seeing you all suffer at the hands of that thing over there." "What do you want me to tell you? I have a plan? Why have I been silent for the past five months?" the Exo spoke for the first time in a long time. Amir rushed over to him and grabbed the mechanical man's chin. He made the guardian face him, he did not automatically look away. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you haven't given up on us, on her and that unborn child." he pointed towards Katherine, who held Johanna's hand, "If you have some kind of heart, you'll help them." "Hmmnff....let go of my chin." the guardian's monotone voice did little to enhance his threat. Amir held him firmly but let go once the Titan rose to his feet. The guardian picked up Amir by his faded collar and made a growling noise. "What do you have to say this time?" "I know you hate me and me you. Do it, its better than living here knowing that there's no hope left." Amir taunted. The guardian strengthed his grip and pulled him as close to his body as possible. "Stop it, both of you!" Everyon turned and saw the feeble Katherine standing with her head down. She wobbled slightly, but she held her ground with the asistance of Johanna." Please Linus, put him down." Linus flinched at hearing his own name be called so gently. His mind function at her request and Amir touched the ground once again, he backed away without hesitation. Linus turned around and faced the window, the clouds had yet to fade out. "How do you know my name?" "We've been trapped in here for five months, how could I not know everyone's name." Katherine answered. "His name is Linus?" both Johanna and Amir said in unison. The Exo nodded his head but still refused to face them. "What else does it know?!" Amir yelled, but silence flooded the cell, "Can you free us? You knew all along, didn't you?" "....." Linus stared at the one break in the dark line of clouds, the eye of a storm with no rain nor winds. "I know that he still has hope." Katherine said. "That thing? You are joking!" Amir's angry once again rose, he was ready to almost go at the guardian. "I know, Amir, because he prays for it. Every night, he calls upon the Traveler for the will to help me and us. He whispers so that no one hears him, but I'm always awake. He gently ask for whatever little morsel of power and in return, he would save us. If he has hope, then so do I." she confidently stated. Amir rolled his eyes while everyone else looked off. "Is this true, Linus?" Johanna asked. Linus nodded. "I've done things, things that have hurt others. Their trust,, gone. I lost my right to be a guardian and thus, the Traveler has looked badly upon me. I would have left a long time ago had I not lost my abilities. So I pray, day in and day out, for some little bit of strength. I pray for your safety, all of you. I pray that one day, I make up for what I've done in the past and redeem myself. If you want an apology, then you won't get one, but I have my reasons for my actions." Linus turned to face them once his speech was done. They said nothing, only Katherine's smile lite up the dark room. She happily nodded. "He has the power, I can feel it. He has hope." "She is right. I've made a promise to atone for what I've done by saving you all. I had to come to terms with accepting what's coming to me." Linus words were truth; even with his emotionless voice, the words greatly resonated with everyone who heard them, " I never gave up hope because I don't believe in it. But the hope that has generated through all of you has given me the strength needed to do what's right." Linus walked towards the window and looked out, watching as the clouds began to clear out. He understood what he needed to do next and it would not be for him, but for them. He gripped the metal bars and applied a strong force of pressure to them. He began to glow a faint red color while his like green eyes faded into a dark shade. He could feel the Traveler's acceptance flow through him, it's presence could be felt all around him. The bars began to melt off and the surrounding space corroded, he had created a large opening in the wall. Once his power drained, he stepped back as his sensors picked up on the waning breeze. He move out of the way of the hole and stared at his fellow cell members, they looked at him in awe. "Leave, now." Linus held out his hand for the first person. Katherine was the first to take his hand and he helped her carefully exit the cell. "Thank you. I never gave up on you." she said. "Go, live again for yourself and your child." Linus commented. She nodded as she began observing the unfamiliar territory. The second person came to face Linus, a loner who kept to himself. Finishes Below[/spoiler]



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                      • There I was, bleeding out from a massive wound in my chest. The blood was gushing between my fingers as I tried to hold my skin together. I had just barely been able to crawl behind a broken column as the shots began to rain down again. My fireteam? Most were dead or worse. Rex was immediately shot through the head when the door closed behind us. Baisatsu was gunned down while trying to help him. Valkain, the poor soul, was dragged off screaming. What has become of him I know not and dare not think of it. Now I'm here, alone, the darkness closing in, with only 7 shots left.....



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                        • MilesTheHunterにより編集済み: 3/24/2014 9:16:31 PM
                          "Miles! Help! Help me!" Screamed Erika... [b]Earlier that day...[/b] A ship lands in downtown Chicago with a New Monarchy symbole on it. Out of the back walks 3 guardians of the last city with armor that's colored dark grey, crimson red, and touches of white for small detail. The titan holding his large machine gun promptly on his shoulder says," So why did the Monarchy concil want us here in chicago? I hope it's to get some pizza." The lean female warlock who was weilding a fusion rifle responded, " Weren't you paying attention Thorn?! There have been reports of large groups of fallen here. We need to confirm that they are and then find out why, and use any force necessary to accomplish it." " I was paying attention... well sort of," Thorn responded. " Where do you think those space monkeys are anyway?" The hunter whose holding a knife and a scout rifle on his back answers him, " The ships radar showed them being at the baseball stadium on the north side of chicago." "You sure about that Miles?" Thorn responded. "Yea, i'm sure." "Alrighty then boys, lets roll out," Erika said while pullin out her shrike. Thorn and Miles do the same and continue to the stadium. [b]Later at the stadium[/b] The three pull up to the main gate and walk through. "Lets head up to the top to get a good veiw of what they're doing on the feild," Miles suggested as they were hearing clicks and hissing in the birection of the feild. The three make their way up without trigering alarm amoungst the fallen. In the middle of the feild a large fallen captain, bigger then all the other captains, was shouting orders to the other captains and then shouting at the vandils and dreges. One group of fallen left the stadium while the other 3 stayed. The remaining 3 split up to guard the stadium as if they were awaiting supplies. "Alright crew, 1 group of about 12 fallen are by the scoreboard area. Another group went to the 3rd base side bleachers and the 3rd group is coming up here. Who wants the scoreboard?" Miles said as if he were taking the lead. "I'll take the scoreboard," said Thorn. "I geuss i'll take the 3rd base side," Erika said. "Alright guys, i'll stay here then," Miles said. Thorn started his way to the scoreboard. "Erika," Miles started taking off his helmet," Be careful, i love you." Erika walked over to Miles and took off her helmet and gave Miles a hug, "i will, love you to hun." She said and then went on to her position and put her helmet back on. Miles awaited his group to walk by him so he can silently take down the one in the back of the pack. So he climbed and hung in a dark cornor on the ceiling from some overgrown vines. A couple minutes later the small group of fallen walk underneith him and didn't notice. When the last one walked by he droped down apoun it and broke it's neck. In the distance there was hun fire from Thorns gun and then followed Erikas. This alarmed Miles group so he grabed his scout rifle and took 3 shots at the 3 closest dreges and took them down with their souls screaming out of them. A near by vandal holding a sword took a swing at Miles but missed only to be shot at point blank in the face. While Miles finished off the remaining vandals and dreges the captain was getting away. Miles ran after the captain who just jumped to the bleachers below. Miles jumped after him and landed on his shloulders. The captain threw him off and stood on his chest with one foot, pointing his gun at Miles' head. The captain laughed before pulling the triger. With quick thinking Miles triped and twisted the captain around and slit his throat. "Well, that could have gone better then i hoped." The gun fire at Thorns and Erikas positions cease and the three of them head to the pitchers mound. "What happend to the larger Captain?" Thorn questioned while looking at Miles an Erika. "Not sure," Miles answerd. "Are you two all good?" "Yea, ever been better," Erika answerd. "Same here," Thorn responded. "Good..." the heard a deep chuckle that sounded close. The three get back to back to back with guns ready. "He's invisable! Eyes sharp guys," Miles said. Just the a sword percices through Thorns Armor and the boss throws him a few yards away. "Nooooo!" Screamed Erika. The Captain swings an arm a Miles and knocks him out. The captain snatches Erika and telaports out of there. The last words Miles heard was Erika screaming, "Miles! Help! Help me!" (Shall i continue on with this or keep it how it is?)



                          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                          • TheAntiroxasX2により編集済み: 3/27/2014 7:52:19 PM
                            Feel the update, were still chooseing



                            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                            • NinjaNumptyにより編集済み: 3/20/2014 7:00:44 AM
                              Disclaimer: Its a bit long :P Hope you enjoy it, and PM me the code if my submission is good. Thanks I had been stalking my target for days... The humid mist of the jungle of Venus shrouded my vision, not dissimilar to my camouflaged cloak shrouding my body from the vision of unwanted enemies. Across the valley, I spotted him, 6 foot tall and bulky, he was an imposing figure. Out came his gang of mercenaries from the dilapidated hut, looking on excitedly, to see what their leader had done. His spoils were excellent, two pristine revolvers, and a crossbow. However, this crossbow I had only heard of in legends, its markings strange, and bolts unique. Supposedly the owner was a woman who goes by the name of Sylvia, but this was only a legend, or so i thought. And then, the mercenary leader, pulled of his Shrike, a woman who bared the the resemblance of the same Sylvia. She was a short woman, and the legends knew her to be the best hunter around, and who could withstand a sniper fight for days. She was a determined woman, and she showed this by struggling in her robes that bound her, spitting the gag out biting the mercenary's face. With a cry of rage, Foruk the Despised slugged her in the stomach with his huge fist, which knocked her out immediately. I was disgusted. I had heard of Foruk's tyranny but never witnessed it first hand. I pulled out my customised Monitor S11, with an adjustable six to thirty six times zoom, and infrared scope from my back, then steadied the barrel down onto the weapons tripod. Foruk was laughing at the mercenaries suggestions of "taking advantage". I knew that this man was hated all around the frontier, and back home on Earth in The City. The price on his head was extensive, and the haul from his property good. But I now wasn't doing this for the money, bragging rights or loot. It was personal. As i settled my heartbeat to take the shot, a rare insect known as a butterfly settled on the barrel of my gun, i looked around the scope and saw the beauty of the thing. The exquisite markings on the wings blew me away. I knew I was also very lucky as they had all but been destroyed during the dark ages. This lapse of concentration cost me dear, as I turned around and saw Foruk's mercenary friend with his tranquilliser gun pointed at my head. "Night" He whispered... I drifted in and out of consciousness for what seemed like a century, but when i finally woke up I saw I was in a clean white bricked prison cell, with steely bars covering the door. "So, you're awake!" Foruk chuckled. I immediately felt naked, without my gun I was almost rendered useless, but they did not check the inside of my thigh, where I hid a hunter's knife. As Foruk walked into my cell, the community's perception of him was underestimated. Truly the size and stature of the man was unbelievable. As he walked forward he said with a venomous tone "I'm going to enjoy this, but not as much as killing that 'Legend' Sylvia". Foruk crunched his knuckles and swung a right hook, but I was too fast. My hunters knife was already in my hand, and heading for his jaw swinging upwards as I ducked beneath the punch. The knife plunged into the bottom of his jaw, and blood spewed from it like a leak in a dam. I knew I had defeated him, and a sense of pride overwhelmed me. Foruk's legacy had ended, and mine had just began. To this day I remember the memory in vivid detail. And the crossbow sits on my mantlepiece above the fire, and when my son becomes a man, and he follows in my footsteps, it will be passed onto him. The legacy will continue once more.



                              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                                It is the 27 and the winners haven't been announced yet. When will they be announced?



                                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                                • This is my character's backstory. Please buckle your seat belts, and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times... ...[i][b]Since the day of his birth it has grown. It has become stronger and stronger each and every passing moment, giving him the strength and support needed to stand on his own two feet, allowing him to face his fate head on. Lithe and muscular, it begins just below the base of his neck, extending down parallel to his front in a graceful arc, ending just above two soft, round buttocks, upon which he does most, if not all, of his sitting. Two wide, strong shoulders extend out from it, from which two lean arms are connected, which are in turn likewise connected to two hands. Hands that are quick and agile, yet sometimes gently quiver with nervousness when holding the stock of a rifle, pointed at a foe. In times of loss and sadness it will bend with grief, but in times of strife it must remain strong, lest the last light of Humanity be snuffed out, like a candle before the oncoming storm. - My [u]Back[/u]story.[/b][/i]



                                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                                • [i][b]ONE MORE DAY![/b][/i]



                                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                                • Rikuにより編集済み: 3/27/2014 2:48:32 AM
                                  Fireteam.. Two muzzled flashes lit up the dim hallway. A pair of vex fall limp, and their metalic bodies clank as they hit the hard surface of the floor. A solitary hunter steps from around the corner holding his hand cannon. Repeated beeping sounds ugre him to glance down. His wrist radar indicates multiple red dots rapidly drawling towards to him. Starting forward, the hunter tosses a small spherical object into the air. It assembles and starts to levitate while keeping next to its owner. The word REBELLION is carved into its side. "Alone again sir, you really should consider a- The two came to an elevator , and the ghost was siilenced by a motion from the hunters hand. Realizing its task, it hovered over and scanned the damaged control panel. Heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway. "Sir, it will take an estimated 4 minutes at least, perhaps if you hadn't come alone you'd be able to hold them off." the ghost reminded. " I'll hold them off, just hurry." he commanded.With that he dashed toward a wall for cover. A quick peek around the corner revealed 8 vex marching in line. Backing up he examines his .44 hand cannon. "empty, maybe I shouldn't have come alone."



                                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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                                  • No



                                    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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