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Destiny について話し合おう
Polo Islandにより編集済み: 3/21/2014 5:59:54 PM

(SE) New Details on your Guardians Armor!

[quote]MikeZ90Z Will Armor have a skill tree similar to guns in Destiny; i.e. the longer you wear it, the better it becomes? Just about everything in Destiny can be upgraded. If you can wield it, wear it, ride it, or deploy it, you can also make it bigger, faster, bolder, stronger, or just more badass looking in general. In the case of your armor, you’ll need to do more than just wear it. Unlike your favorite jeans, your armor won’t just get better with age. You’ll need to invest in it. You’ll need to fight and scrounge your way toward becoming a legend. You’ll need to love it a little. Don’t worry. It’s fun work.[/quote] This question and answer are from this past weeks "Bungie Weekly Update". Learning how much more immersed the skill tree system goes what kind of things do you see yourself doing with your Guardian? What does he/she look like? Very clean cut & noble, or Tattered capes and rough armor? What are your thoughts ? Like this Thread and let us Know!



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