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Tanner Cerzaにより編集済み: 1/26/2014 5:48:29 PM

Question for those who are serving in the military.

What branch did you guys join? How was your boot camp experience? Did you make any new friends? How did you feel after you have graduated from boot camp? For those who want to join the military, what branch do you want to serve in and why? [b]Edit:[/b] Please, I don't want this thread to turn into a complete shit hole. I know some users here(like Kiyo) are just going to post "bait". If you would ignore them that would be great.



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  • Horseman of Warにより編集済み: 1/26/2014 7:11:39 PM
    I joined the Army because the Marines lost my paperwork consecutively for two years, I don't like ships, and the Air Force had a line out the door. Infantry so my basic training was OSUT (One Station Unit Training). I didn't do basic and then go elsewhere to be trained in my chosen MOS or profession, it was all one solid go-through. It's odd, I'm in the same platoon now as two of my buddies from basic training, and one is even in my squad. I have four more buddies that ended up here but they are either in another unit or another company of the same unit. I had some great times in basic but I also had some extremely terrible times in basic. I tried my best to not get noticed in basic training because playing daddy to like six other recruits and helping to make sure their bad habits were kicked and they turned into good soldiers. It wasn't mentally as challenging as I thought it'd be. The most mentally challenging thing was keeping your discipline when getting smoked for something one Drill Sergeant told you to do but the other didn't know you were told to do it. NCOs on up often contradicted each other, but when trying to train two hundred and twenty new recruits you'll get that. The most difficult part of basic training was trying to get along with the fifty something odd people from various backgrounds you'll find in your platoon. Often times if you absolutely hate basic and want out of it, the fastest way out is to graduate. That's what we were told from the beginning and I didn't realize how true it was until recycles from previous iterations and classes six months or eight months before kept getting dropped into our platoon. It didn't suck nearly as bad as I expected but I come from a more Marine family so I was expecting the worst of the worst of the Marines you see on Youtube. Your Drill Sergeants are people too, and they just want to make good soldiers (and probably get out of Benning). Basic training is, in a sense, simply there to teach you who's in charge and has authority and get you in shape. As far as physically demanding goes I couldn't do forty pushups, thirty situps and ran an eighteen forty-three two mile run when I went in. That increased to sixty-one pushups, sixty-one situps, and a thirteen thirty-nine two mile by the last PT test. My absolute worst time in basic, and probably my life, was carrying my fifty pound ruck, a SAW, a 240 tripod mount, and an M4 on the twelve mile ruck WITH a slipped disk in my back (I couldn't sit upright under my own will with no weight), shin splints, a shoulder sprain, and a stress fracture in my left foot near the toes. Painful as shit. Here's the thing. I went into basic quitting everything I've ever done. School, Work, Exercise, etc... but I came out more motivated to do better in absolutely everything I do. I don't quit now and I can't thank the Army enough for beating it into me. TL;DR 10/10 Most fun you never want to have again.



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    3 通の返信
    • This thread is very coincidental.



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    • [b]SPACE MARINESSSSSS!!!!!![/b]



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      1 返信
      • My friends currently in the military want me to join the USAF or the Navy. The ones in the Marines and Army told me to not go there mainly because of the horrible conditions, even for an officer. My uncles that served told me to join the USAF because they have great benefits and are looking for people who are more mentally prepared than physically prepared and I'd be a suitable person for that. I was planning on joining the USAF or Navy after my two friends told me all the war stories he went through in Iraq and Afghanistan. My friend currently stationed in South Korea as an 11B told me don't join the Army unless I want to get shot, and my friend stationed in Okinawa in the Marines told me to not join the Marines unless I want the short end of the stick.



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      • Jim the Adminにより編集済み: 1/26/2014 7:25:53 PM
        Joining the USAF. Doing MEPS on Tuesday. I am very much excited.



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        24 通の返信
        • Want to join the Air force currently, am interested in the PJ's



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          4 通の返信
          • I'd like to join the Army after college. Ever since I was about 8 I wanted to join, neither my parents nor I know why. When I was around 12 I heard about the Army Rangers and the 75th regiment, I knew then the 75th was my goal. I'm doing little things to prepare myself or at least improve my credentials; I'm an Eagle Scout (gold palm), Civil Air Patrol cadet (C/Sra), I'm also an A/B student as a junior in high school, and I run Varsity Cross Country as well as Track. Wish me the best of luck guys :)



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            3 通の返信
            • Logfish111により編集済み: 1/26/2014 5:48:17 PM
              The military is for people who failed at education and had no other options.



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              27 通の返信
              • I'm getting ready for Navy Boot camp here soon. I knew I wasn't ready for college, and I wanted to travel, and serve my country.



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                2 通の返信
                • United States Marine Corps poolee here. Wanting to serve in the Marines has been a dream of mine for awhile. I never really got serious about planning to serve until I was a junior in high school. I finally talked to a recruiter and started my enlistment process in March of 2013, and officially swore into the Delayed Entry Program in June of 2013. I have many friends in the Corps and I've heard many good things about it. They all have different jobs so I get a good amount of info. Unfortunately I don't have a friend in infantry, so I don't know as much as I could about the job I want. Honestly, enlisting was probably the best idea I could have made in life, and I encourage anyone who's thinking of serving to take that first step and talk with a recruiter.



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                • United States Marine Corps. My family has had a very extensive military background, but in all that time, there's never been one Marine. I currently have two deployed cousins (one on a destroyer the size of an aircraft carrier, dark room) and another that has his own medical platoon in Afghanistan. I love hearing their stories and experiences. Both sides of my family are ridiculously patriotic, and I owe it back to America to give my blood, might, mind and strength to show my gratitude for keeping me safe. I will bleed out of every pore before I fail her. One of my favorite other things to do is watch drills, have cadences on MP3 replay, and to practice the national anthem. It's a breathtaking feeling, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The servicemen and women are my heroes, and I'll die before I'll rephrase that. My hope is after boot camp and some hands-on experience to join the Force Recon. It's demanding, sure, but I'm willing to take a kick in the ass for a righteous cause. I've seen selection processes, tried some of their water drills, and am overall hopeful that a position will open up. My cousin patched me through to one of those guys and they're amazing to talk to. All in all, I've been hell-bent on joining for as long as I can remember. It's going to happen, and if I am to fail, I'll simply try again. God bless America, and her protectors thereof.



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                  2 通の返信
                  • I'm currently in the candidate pool for the next class of incoming cadets for the United States Air Force Academy. My dad is an ex-Air Force Staff Sergeant, so he's the one who convinced me to join the Air Force. I'm in JROTC and Civil Air Patrol with straight A's, so I've got the military, character, and academic requirements for the Academy. However, I only just moved in with my dad last summer, and for the last 13 years before that I lived with my mom and my stepdad, who both smoked like factories and discouraged after school activities, such as exercise, so I've only just begun to get fit for the Academy. I'm stubborn though, so I'll make it.



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                    1 返信
                    • This actually got me thinking. Maybe I'll do it. Just basic army tho'



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                    • U.S Army. Boot camp was fun, made a lot of life long friends. When you graduate you feel awkward at first, until you get to AIT, then everything mellows out.



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                    • HurtfulTurkeyにより編集済み: 1/27/2014 12:40:09 AM
                      ­ [spoiler]Go Navy.[/spoiler]



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                    • I am in Greek Special Force. I was in the hand kill unit. Boot camp was tough: endless nights doing push-ups that dont even seem humanly possible - like 100's. I was yelled at in the face daily, beat, and forced to sleep on a beach for 3 weeks. We were exposed to poison gas, flashbangs, and middle-of-the-night attacks. Overall it was tough but I am a men of men so I made it. One thing to remember - if u join u will be broken. I do not recommend anyone joining. I joined because I knew I had it in me. Some call Greek Special Force "abuse" but I call it making a real task squad. I had friends die in training when being forced to dive to the bottom to get a gold coin. If u can make it u will become a modern day warrior and death threat to everyone around u if u feel like going on the attack.



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                      16 通の返信
                      • Lightにより編集済み: 1/26/2014 7:25:25 PM
                        I've already enlisted in the Marines. I'm just waiting to ship out on April. Hopefully I get MOS 1371 Combat Engineer. I would really like to learn carpentry along with other construction skills.



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                      • Everyone should serve in the military.



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                      • Depending on how things go I'm looking to join the USMC.



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                      • Army, boot camp (OSUT - One Station Unit Training aka BCT basic combat training and AIT advanced individual training combined) sucked heavily. Everyone's boot camp experience is different though, depending on your MOS (military job). Mine was military police, so it was 5 months of pure discipline whereas more lax MOS's have "easier" boot camps I also learned the army loves acronyms As for new friends, hell yeah. gained about 120 Facebook friends after graduating. When you go through "the shit" with so many people they become your brothers and sisters. After I graduated, I felt like I had conquered the most challenging thing I have ever set out to do - because I did. Most fun you never want to have again. I'd totally recommend it



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                        7 通の返信
                        • I joined Jul's spec ops force. No training required. Maybe that's why we suck.



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                        • :3 This should be fun.



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                          2 通の返信
                          • I joined the Swedish airforce. Boot Camp for me was awesome. There are times when you are wondering what the hell you have gotten yourself into but locking back, those are the times that you laugh the hardest at. You get a lot of new friends and in shape. I gained 22 lbs of muscle (I was about 137 lbs before). You learn a lot about yourself. I'd recommend it to everyone.



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                          • USAF. I'm competitive, arrogant, shortish, and have a knack for flying.



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                          • I haven't joined yet, but I'm going Coast Guard.



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