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Destiny について話し合おう
DEZARATHにより編集済み: 12/7/2013 10:39:50 AM

10 months. Put in manual space flight!

All right Bungie ten months to go. Put in manual space flight. Every promo art I see shows off the Guardians and on there somewhere are those space ships looking awesome. Defining and interesting looking. You see it's like TitanFall. You're a awesome pilot and then you're a awesome mech. The game runs on two types of play styles and to be honest gamers do that all the time from Battlefield to Halo, you get many who can switch in and out of different settings and vehicles very easily. Some make it career. Flying our ship throughout our solar system would define this game as something different from Halo Reach with capes. Seriously stop putting space ships on the art if they are to remain a bus route to load screens or tiny little flecks of black that goes boom in the sky box and hey guys here I am and that's it. Because its not something a seven year old goes oh wow that's soooo what I want my ship to do. I am so damn bored of FPSs the only saving grace are vehicles and exploration. I have eight titles of kids shooting me and Ai shooting me. But zero in space flight and exploration. I know a bunch of why people are going to show up and poop all over this, so screw those guys they killed their kids long ago.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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