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Destiny について話し合おう
9/24/2013 4:48:59 PM

New Exotic Weapon: The Seventh Horseman (Fan Made)

If you've been around for a few years you're sure to know that Bungie's reference to the giant slingshot for world domination. This pice of work was created by [url=!page=index&mid=1695]INSANEdrive[/url] over on [url=]DBO.[/url] Here is his decription from [url=]the thread:[/url] [quote][i]"The Seventh Horseman may be simple in appearance, but even a simpleton can grasp the majesty of this weapon in action. Crafted of wood before the REDACTED time has turned it into stone with a core of glass, granting the wielder a odd magnification effect; be it of mercy or malice; of battle or repose. Legend states that wielders of this weapon can fell Giants with but a single well placed shot, granting them independence from any potential foe that would ever dear stop them from their destiny. The warlock may have the power of the sun in such ever capable hands, but with this weapon, all shall fear the power of the sun.”[/i][/quote] Here's a [url=]step by step process on how he created it.[/url] I would definitely love to see something like this be resembled in Destiny. Kick. Ass. Nice job INSANEdrive!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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