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9/7/2013 7:33:41 PM

I don't understand why people hate Harlow

At first I thought "Wow this guy must be a douche. He's so self absorbed and thinks his little group actually matters." Then I realized, who cares? He's not hurting anyone. No one is being forced to join. It's not like he posts often anyways. Also, who cares how many people he has muted? People make entire threads circle jerking about how Harlow must be mad because he muted them. Well, maybe he just wants to talk to a few people here and that's it. People like Spartan Ken make the biggest -blam!-ing deal out of this. "HURR him and jay posted a video answering questions what douches lol" Guess what ken? Don't watch the video and then you'll have more time to be robot cop around the forums. [spoiler]Jay is still annoying though, I have to admit.[/spoiler]



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