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8/18/2013 5:21:39 PM

Modern Warfare 2 has to be the Stupidest Game I've Ever Played.

I was just reflecting on the series when I realized how absolutely dumb it was that this game has a [i]94[/i] percent on Metacritic. I mean, I can respect others opinions, and if you like it I won't really hold it against you, but from a content point of view, it's just lacking so much. What made this game so highly praised? The campaign was microscopic in length, the multiplayer was almost completely broken and the Spec Ops missions are the only thing with actual substance- and even then they're just side missions. Was it just people buying into the hype because of a trailer featuring lots of explosions and mainstream rap? Of course there's too many lurking variables to make any sort of legitimate conclusion, but... I don't know. What about you guys? Best/worst CoD? Stupidest/least stupid game? Thoughts on MW2 as a whole?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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