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Boltにより編集済み: 8/13/2013 10:17:33 PM

4chan backing both sides on twitter-feminist civil war

[url][/url] [quote] OFFICIAL TWITTERB OWL THREAD !lnkYxlAbaw JW 08/13/13(Tue)17:20 No.18862637 Replies: >>18862763 >>18862977 >>18863539 >>18863548 >>18863649 previous thread >>18858636 >After the whole Hugo Schwyzer debacle happened feminists were getting pissy with each other >Suddenly a black twitter user named Mikki Kendall started a hashtag #solidarityisforwhitewomen to bitch about colored women being oppressed by white feminists >Twitter exploded >/pol/acks and a few /b/tards made fake accounts to fan the flames >This further enraged twitter >Now feminists are fighting to find out who the most oppressed of them is THE SAGA CONTINUES [/quote] TL:DR: Twitter-feminists are having a race-themed argument, and /pol/ is infiltrating their ranks with goal of making feminists look racist. Shit like this is why the internet never gets old.



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