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7/1/2013 9:02:57 PM

State Of Decay mishap...

-----Minor Spoilers----- I was playing SoD earlier and I found one of those 6 shooter grenade launchers and some ammo for it, I don't really like heavy weapons so I put it in the supply locker so one of my survivor's could use it or whatever. So I was walking around my new base of operations (the trucker warehouse in Marshall) and attracted a couple zombie hordes in front of the watchtower there for some senseless zombie killing and started going to town on the zeds with my axe. After I killed pretty much all of them freaking Ed gets on the watch tower with the grenade launcher and blows up the remaining 3 zombies along with the six exotic muscle cars I had parked in the front. If friendly fire was on in the game he would of killed the survivor returning from a scavenger run, and myself. I was pissed. It took me forever to get all of those cars and Ed just blows them all up. F*** Ed. I hate him. He sould of died when he got bit in the beginning.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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