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Destiny について話し合おう
hoplaにより編集済み: 6/24/2013 3:13:02 AM

Hive and Fallen Souls: An Overarching Theme? UPDATED w/ Proof





Too early to tell


Speculation won' get you on my good side, compadre


[b][u]UPDATED:[/u][/b][i] Scroll to bottom for proof.[/i] I'm sure everyone remembers the image above, this part of the [url=]GDC Presentation[/url] (32:17), and [url=]one of the multiple reincarnations[/url] at E3 of this quote from the most recent Mail Sack: "[i]Using my knife as a bottle opener, releasing the white screaming souls from their Fallen shells.[/i]" -Lorraine McLees, Senior Graphic Designer While I was reminded of GDC when I first saw the demo, I kind of wrote it off as being the result of explosive decompression or some energy source being unleashed. I hadn't seen this discussion anywhere yet, although I'm sure many of you have probably thought the same thing I have wondered. [i]Is the catastrophic evacuation of souls a recurring trait that may link to some concept in Destiny? Is it perhaps a hint at a unifying idea, maybe the pursuit of deathlessness (as of now the Cabal are the only truly alive and traditionally organic enemy we face), that binds these enemies?[/i] Or is it simply the result of Bungie "continu[ing] [their] battle for the best idea" as we have seen them make a possible transition from 'spider-tank' to 'devil-walker'? (EDIT: 'spider tank' is a fan generated colloquialism, forgot the name was never used by Bungie) The name change and soul escaping certainly makes me think of the Fallen in a [i]dead[/i], slightly more extreme 'fallen from grace' sense. [b][u]UPDATE:[/u][/b] 36:36 of [url=]GDC[/url] "[i]Finally the Fallen [..,] the Spider-Pirates, these four arms, four eyes, their mechs that walk behind. Sort of this mix of ancient and rare technology. And escaping souls.[/i]" -Chris Barrett



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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