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オリジナルの投稿元: How tolerant are you of other religions?
4/13/2013 12:31:54 AM
What someone "believes in" matters not one bit to me. They can believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Russell's Teapot, I am that I am, or ancient aliens. Those beliefs exist within their own head and they are welcome to them. What I find myself having difficulty with (on occasion, and depending on the circumstance) is people's actions. If they harm others, and then attempt to excuse it as a being "part of my faith", then I have a problem. Not with their faith, but with their actions. I have no need, desire or the time to try to "correct" anyone's beliefs. If we're capable of having a calm and rational discussion and I am curious, I don't mind learning about someone else's beliefs and their reasons behind their belief. But when someone does something that harms another? Using your personal beliefs as a "get out of jail free card" is (IMO) a sign of ignorance, desperation and insecurity.



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