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4/12/2013 6:18:38 PM

Can someone recommend an android tablet for me?

I'm not good at this stuff! :( I don't know :( Sorry. -I want one that's less than or £150. -That can can play most (if not all) of the apps without a problem. -That isn't slow but meh fast. But i'm not looking for some really fast one. Just one that is fast enough to not be a nuisance. -That has a decent camera/microphone. -Has decent speakers. -Can multitask. -Has a decent amount of memory (like 16gb or 32gb). -Can browse the internet without any problems. I was going to get an ipad because I didn't need to go through the which one should I get?!! But hell the ipad is so expensive. I'm not good at this choosing stuff and plus i'm more familiar with the Android systems. Never had apple products before but I've had a decent amount of experience with them before (they are good). I'm sorry i'm acting like a bossy person. But please I don't know about this stuff. Sorry. I'm trusting you guys/girls to help me choose one... or should I just get an ipad 3 (or even ipad mini)



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