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3/25/2013 2:34:03 PM

Michael Bloomberg funds $12m US gun law campaign

[quote]New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is bankrolling a $12m (£7.8m) advertising campaign for tougher gun control laws. The television adverts will run in 13 states and urge voters to persuade their senators to back comprehensive background checks for gun buyers. Mr Bloomberg, a strong supporter of gun control, has said he is cautiously optimistic of winning over Congress, which votes on the issue next month. But his campaign has been dismissed by the National Rifle Association (NRA). NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre said Mr Bloomberg was "going to find out this is a country of the people, by the people, and for the people". "And he can't can't spend enough of his $27bn to try to impose his will on the American public," Mr LaPierre told NBC television's Meet the Press on Sunday. Mr Bloomberg told the same NBC programme that opinion polls showed there was overwhelming public support for tighter background checks.[/quote] So anybody from New York or the 13 other states that will have these adverts shown? (Is there a list of them somewhere?) What do you think of this? Also $27 billion for 1 man? My god that's probably the budget for New York to run and that's his own personal wealth?



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