t4r, because it's strange and all for meds to be free. Is the government infecting is with some kind of virus?
What are your thoughts on this flood?
I don't personally get any type of vaccination often. The last one I had was for H1N1 a few years ago. To put that it into detail, the last shot before that was a tetanus booster almost 10 years ago (and yes, I will get that renewed) But are they a hoax? Mostly no. Some I think are more of a placebo than cure.
OP, you are totally right. They have been infecting you this whole time! The idea is to make you more amiable to control! Since you worked it out, you need to cure yourself. It may not be to late, just do this: You need to breath more CO2, that means you have to put a brown paper bag over your head! Quickly! Now, breath as heavy as you can and run as fast as you can at a wall! This will increase the CO2 and when you hit the wall with your head you will shake loose the viruses so your body can expel them. You need to do it like 6 or 7 times. Make sure you video tape it, so we can see how to correctly do it. Don't think or ask any questions, just run and do it, before its too late!