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3/11/2013 8:27:35 PM

Word Lens - One of the Best Apps I've Ever Had

Word Lens is an app that translates and decodes foreign languages through your phones camera and, in an augmented reality style, inputs the English version of them on there. For what it is, in the infancy of this kind of technology, it's amazing. Above is what it can do just off my computer monitor (it works best on the printed word). While the app is free (at least on iOS), be warned that each language pack is 5 bucks. I think it's well worth it, especially if you're going to a foreign country and don't know the language. As of right now they only have French, German, Spanish, and Italian (all to and from English). Above is a (sideways) picture with what it translated (right on my screen in real time) on the left and the original image on my screen on the right.



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