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1/24/2013 8:54:19 PM

I did something bad, and I'm ashamed of myself.

Before I start, what I did 'bad' wasn't criminal etc., it is morally bad. So today was an awful day, people were pissing me off left, right and centre. I swear to god it was unbelievable! So it carried on and on, I could've lashed out at any time but I chose not to. But anything I would've done would have made me looked stupid, people would have only laughed and use it for gossip. Then this last guy (who I've known for a while, and is smaller than me), he was the final straw. So I smashed the shit out of him. It took a few people to cool me down. But then I instantly felt ashamed, not only was he smaller, he didn't piss me off as much and did not deserve it. I still feel bad. I should've battered the people who were pissing me off regardless. Well I had to get this out, now feel free to troll me and tell me about bad moments in your life.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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