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SonOfTheShireにより編集済み: 1/12/2013 1:51:04 AM

Hey, Ice King...

[i]Why'd you steal our garbage? Pretty sure we didn't ask to have our garbage taken away... by some cranky ice janitor! Just who do you think you are? You king of ice it would suffice if you'd be nice but you're a jerk! Probably want to build a girlfriend out of the garbage no that's just crazy talk nobody'd be that crazy it's probably something else...[/i] So, er... As I understand, many of you are fans of Adventure Time. I've never seen the show, but last night I was browsing the 3DS eShop and I saw a demo for the game, which was developed by WayForward. I tried it out, and I kinda liked it. The gameplay is like Zelda II, which isn't a bad thing. What I really liked, though was the addictive theme song in the menu. I'm now wondering if it's worth buying. It's only thirty dollars...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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