Slayer's fang is very underwhelming, bungie here's how to buff it
choir of one is better, duh.
the identity of this gun is ad clear, all catalyst are basically ad clear.
it kills ads and chews through ammmo.
so to buff it:
make it a PRIMARY ammo gun, unique like choir and its specifically for ad clear.
tone down damage in pvp and pve as necessary
a unique primary shotgun whose role is to pump a horde of unded full of shell.
Slayer's fang is a pinpoint slug. How does this gun work?
Well it shoots out a shot this shot then breaks into 8 projectiles that each deal damage these projectiles will hit the target you shoot and then start bouncing around. The projectiles = to about a 30% boost (I think it lowers to 20% on bosses).
After getting a kill you gain weaken on shot, truesight, and about a 20% precision damage buff for 8 seconds (I thought 7 but that's because the game shows 7 when the perk is at 7.9)
This gives it pretty good damage allowing it to deal pretty significant damage even without the perk it still does pretty good damage.
The projectiles also have a very small amount of tracking (I did some testing and noticed some projectiles would purposefully go towards enemies).
It also has the catalysts I think the one most people will use is repulsor simply because it has a unique effect. The weapon seems to apply weaken before it actually kills the target. Alongside that it tends to be able to kill large groups in 1 shot giving you an instant overshield. If you're a Titan combine that with no backup plan for an extra 35% boost in damage.
The weapon is pretty good but it lacks 1 (2 if you consider the fact shotguns still struggle when they need to be in boss stomp range) thing. Ammo. This is an issue with basically every shotgun but arguably is most noticeable on pinpoints. It doesn't help shotguns get very little ammo from bricks (without a scav I got 2-4).
I'd say increasing ammo on it from 21 to 26 with reserves going to 30 and increasing ammo drop up to 4-6 instead of 2-4 would be best.