True Outer Heaven - A Safe Haven For All 18+ Gaming Clan
Hello friends,
My name is Marshall but most call me Venom, and I am the leader of clan True Outer Heaven. A clan that I am building to be much more then a gaming community but a family, and a safe haven for any gender or -blam!-. We support anyone including those with disabilities and will even accept you if you have to play the game with a custom control setup.
True Outer Heaven is built on the concept of helping anyone improve in there skill from beginners to professionals in all aspects of gaming, so if you are a PvP Demon but lack in PvE or vise versa this clan will help you with guides and builds or one on one training.
TOH has a facebook group as well and will even have a youtube channel in the future to help everyone learn new things, or how to get started.
True Outer Heaven is a family, a safe space for people that are LGBT, any race, religious belief, etc.
I have been part of clans before that looked down on people for what or who they are, this clan has zero tolerance to that behavior.[/url]