This is the 6th Post of mine to this topic. The Memento still does Not Drop properly after meeting the requirements.
Me and my Team ran the whole Raid twice today.
First run:
Normal Mode
Every encounter first try
No characters swaps or disconnect
Not doing the Bonus red Border chest
3 got Mementos, 2 of them for the 1st time
Second run:
Normal Mode
Every encounter first try
No characters swaps or disconnects (4 of us used the Same character)
Not Doing the Bonus red Border chest
0 Mementos
Some of us even went flawless (me in Both Runs until the witness dies). I am the only one of us (6 Xbox) with an old Gen Xbox S and who still does NOT have it.
We were doing this for SEVERAL weeks in a row now. When will there be at least a mention in a TwiD or Blog Post? Like 3-5 new Players in the World get the Memento per week.
From Last week to this week (exakt 7 days) only 5 new Players got the Memento + 2 of us that are not included in the data at this Moment via
Those pics prove nothing since they don't show encounter progress. Cap a video from start to end and they might listen. Not calling bs on you since I'd like to nab one eventually, just waiting for it to be guaranteed fixed.
Should award it like how they do in GoS except through the pale heart vendor or just do it through Hawthorne minus the wep sales part. They need to take the L and let what we have now be something that was good on paper. Stubbornness is not the answer it's a big F for fail.